Small Animal Hospital Receives Donated Aquarium

A new aquarium in the lobby of the Small Animal Hospital, at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH), has been donated in memory of Madlin Stevenson.
Stevenson—an animal lover, artist, philanthropist, historian, and world traveler, with a generous, gentle soul, quick wit, and boundless energy—is the namesake and a major original supporter of the Stevenson Companion Animal Life-Care Center, at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM).
A prominent interior designer who worked for Suniland Furniture Company in Houston, Stevenson also was the original interior designer for the public areas of the Luse Foundation Building, which houses the Stevenson Center. She retired from the profession at the age of 90 after 43 years of service.
Stevenson’s love of animals began at an early age, including a fondness for riding horses, and her passion for animal welfare led her to rescue from sad and cruel conditions most of the pets (including a pony and a llama) that she devoted her life caring for in her La Porte home.
Today, the Stevenson Center is dedicated to providing lifelong care in a homelike atmosphere for animals when their owners can no longer care for them. The center is privately funded by an endowment to which owners contribute prior to each pet beginning residence at the center. The center also fosters educational experiences for professional veterinary students by providing opportunities to care for companion animals.
When Stevenson died at the age of 95 in 2000, her four cats, seven dogs, pony, and llama came to live at the center.