Steiner Appointed the Dr. Mark Morris Chair in Small Animal Gastroenterology and Nutrition

 Dr. Joerg Steiner

COLLEGE STATION, Texas – Dr. Joerg Steiner, professor in the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences (VSCS) at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM), has recently been appointed as holder of the Dr. Mark Morris Chair in Small Animal Gastroenterology and Nutrition.

Steiner is a board certified veterinary internist, who has a long track record of outstanding contributions to the field of nutrition and gastroenterology. He currently directs the Gastrointestinal (GI) Laboratory, a group that includes nearly 40 team members, generates substantial service income, and is involved in cutting-edge research in small animal gastroenterology.

“We are enormously grateful for the support for the establishment of the Dr. Mark Morris Chair in Small Animal Gastroenterology and Nutrition,” said Dr. Eleanor M. Green, the Carl B. King dean of veterinary medicine. “This chair recognizes Dr. Steiner’s contributions through scholarly research and his exceptional commitment to training the next generation of clinician-scientists through a highly active graduate program. His efforts have led to the development of new approaches in translational medicine that will eventually lead to similar advances in the treatment of diseases in humans and are indicative of why he is so deserving of this recognition.”

A chair is established to support and enhance the professional activities of an accomplished faculty member, usually created by a donation that is placed into an endowment. The principal amount from the donation is not spent but remains in place to provide support.

“It is clear that Dr. Steiner is truly deserving of this recognition,” said Dr. Jonathan Levine, department head of VSCS. “In addition, he will utilize these funds to grow his program and the presence of Texas A&M University not only in the fields of small animal gastroenterology and nutrition, but also in translational medicine.”

“It is a distinct honor to have been named the Dr. Mark Morris Chair in Small Animal Gastroenterology and Nutrition,” Steiner said. “Dr. Morris was not only a veterinarian, but also a visionary, who dedicated his career and life to the advancement of small animal nutrition. More specifically, he had a vision that individualized nutrition could be used to manage various diseases in small animals, an idea that has led to the development of a wide range of diets that are routinely used to help our canine and feline friends today. Our team at the GI Lab at Texas A&M has a similar passion. We believe that thinking out of the box will lead us to new solutions that will help us to better diagnose and treat many gastrointestinal conditions in dogs and cats and perhaps even help diagnose and treat those same diseases in humans one day. The endowment associated with this chair will help us push the boundaries further than we have been in the past.”


Contact Information: Megan Palsa,, 979-862-4216, 979-421-3121 (cell)

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