News Briefs
Texas A&M Researchers Document Genetic Copy-Number Changes in Roundworm Model
Diseases such as cancer and other chronic ailments are the result of copy-number changes in our genome, that is, when certain genes are accidentally duplicated to create extra copies or when genes are deleted so that they exist in fewer copies than normal. In addition to potential hazards to our health, changes in gene copy-number […]
Texas A&M Researchers Help Preserve History Through Equine Genetics Study
From the stunning rock formations to the fields of wild flowers, the Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota offers more than 70,000 acres of adventure. The park is also home to some of the most majestic and breathtaking animals in the United States—wild horses. “Legend has it that the Teddy Roosevelt horses are descendants […]
PEER Travels Across State to Address More Than 750 Students, Teachers
The Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences’ (CVM) PEER Program Veterinary Student Fellows reached more than 758 students during the month of July with presentations at the CVM, Houston, San Antonio, Midland, and Belton. PEER fellows Erin Eads and Melodie Raese continued their Summer Science Safari presentations each Tuesday afternoon, reaching approximately […]
CVM Offers Large Animal Instruction at College Station, West Texas 4-H Camps
The Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) joined with four other departments and organizations to host the 4-H Veterinary Science Camp in College Station and West Texas in June and July. The Veterinary Science Camp allows Texas 4-H members ages 13 to 18 years old to learn about large animal skills […]
CVM Celebrates College’s ‘Stars’ At Annual Staff Awards
Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) staff and faculty members gathered on July 31 to thank CVM staff for being the “stars” of the college, those whose excellent work via customer service, in the research laboratories and with the faculty, and behind the scenes in many other ways make the college […]
VET Answers the Call to Help with Early Morning Accident
In the wee hours of the morning on July 26, Texas A&M Veterinary Emergency Team (VET) director Dr. Wesley Bissett received a phone call asking for the VET’s assistance with an accident on Highway 21 involving 73 calves. When Bissett and Texas A&M VET safety officer Norberto Espitia arrived on the scene, they were met […]
Superfund Event to Encourage Aggies to ‘Plan Ahead, Be Prepared’
In honor of Disaster Preparedness Month in September, the Texas A&M Superfund Research Center‘s “Plan Ahead, Be Prepared” event will bring together members of the emergency response community to share with students, faculty, and staff valuable tips on planning ahead. “Plan Ahead Be Prepared” will be held on Sept. 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 […]
IFT Program to Host Annual Symposium Focusing on Air Pollution, Health
Three experts on air pollution and health will join the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) Interdisciplinary Faculty of Toxicology (IFT) Training Program on Aug. 28 for a discussion on the state of regulatory science in air pollution. The IFT’s 2018 Regulatory Science Symposium will welcome Texas A&M’s Natalie Johnson, University […]
Book Offering ‘Better Grades, Less Effort’ Released in Paperback
Texas A&M senior professor of neuroscience William R. Klemm recently released a paperback edition of his e-book, “Better Grades, Less Effort.” “Better Grades, Less Effort” presents 20 learning and memory tips, as well as an explanation of why and how they work. The tips are clustered into four groups: general principles; classroom and study environment; […]
Texas A&M Veterinary Hospital Saves Pregnant Golden Retriever, 13 Puppies
When Angela Brenengen’s 5-year-old Golden Retriever Bree Anna Rose stopped eating for a day or two, it was easy to attribute it to Bree’s pregnancy; after all, this was Bree’s third litter of puppies, and it is common for dogs to forsake food in the days leading up to delivery. But what they thought was […]