Pet Talk

The Ins And Outs Of Pet Feeding Tubes

When dealing with pain, illness, or stress, some pets choose to stop eating no matter how many enticing meals they are offered. In certain cases, because a lack of nutrition can lead to serious health complications, veterinarians can suggest using a feeding tube until the pet begins to eat on its own again. Feeding tubes […]

Keep Your Family Safe From Dangerous E. coli

While many animals—including humans—have harmless strains of E. coli living inside their gastrointestinal tracts, a dangerous form that often makes headlines is E. coli 0157, which can cause serious illness in people. Although E. coli 0157 outbreaks are usually caused by contaminated vegetables, meats, or other foods, these bacteria can also be spread by live […]

No More Creepy Crawlies: Keep Reptiles Safe From Parasites

Household chores are an important, but often looked, part of our daily lives. For our reptilian friends, though, having a safe and tidy environment is one of the best prevention methods against parasitic infections, according to Dr. Ashley Navarrette, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. Navarrette […]

Wobbly Cat Syndrome: An Interesting But Harmless Condition

While most cats are nimble and graceful, some are born with a rare condition commonly known as “Wobbly Cat Syndrome” that affects their ability to balance. But despite a lack of coordination, these cats can live full and happy lives like any others. Dr. Joseph Mankin, a clinical associate professor in neurology at the Texas […]

Keep Your Bovine Feeling Fine: Pain Management In Cattle

Unlike many animals that vocalize their discomfort, cattle tend to suffer in silence—making it all the more important for an owner to recognize the subtle signs of pain. Whether from age, injury, or illness, early detection of pain is an important step in bringing an animal back to health. Cattle are like most prey species […]

When You Should—And Shouldn’t—Give Your Cat A Bath

Bath time is usually a stressful occasion for both pets and their owners, leading many to wonder—is bathing cats really necessary? To the relief of many a cat owner, the answer is typically “no,” according to Dr. Alison Diesel, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. “In […]

Polishing Up On Animal Nail Care

While getting a manicure or pedicure is often seen as a luxury for people, proper nail care is a necessity for dogs and cats. Regular nail maintenance in companion animals is important for a multitude of reasons, including your pet’s overall health. If a pet’s nails become overgrown, everyday activities such as walking or running […]

How to Care for a Deaf Dog

Whether they stand up straight or flop over, your dog’s ears help give your canine friend an amazing sense of hearing that plays a large role in hunting, playing, and everyday life. What are the implications, then, for a dog that is born deaf or loses its hearing? Dr. Lori Teller, an associate professor at […]

Home Is Where The Heart Is: Creating A Cat-Friendly Environment

Home is all about having a space to make your own. As humans, we all need a space where we are comfortable enough in our own skin to relax. And, believe it or not, our feline friends have similar needs. Creating an environment where pets are free to roam and be themselves has been directly […]

Seeing The Bigger Picture: How Cataracts Affect Pets

Just as humans may develop vision loss or impairments, our animal friends also can experience issues such as cataracts as they age. The term cataract refers to an opacity of the lens within the eye, causing both a discomfort and a loss of vision. While all species are susceptible to developing cataracts, Dr. Lucien Vallone, […]

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