Pet Talk

Equine Lameness

Equine lameness affects all types horses—whether they are ridden for pleasure, racing, or sport. Lameness, a health condition that affects a horse’s gait, is the most costly health problem in the equine industry in regards to the price of medical treatment and for time lost to rest. Dr. Ashlee Watts, assistant professor at the Texas […]

Preventing Diabetes in Dogs

Diabetes mellitus, also called sugar diabetes, is becoming more prevalent in today’s society. Like humans, dogs can develop diabetes and may need medical care throughout their lifetime to manage the disease. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by a lack or relative deficiency of a hormone called insulin. This hormone is produced by the pancreas and is […]

Pet Transportation Safety

The holiday season has ended, meaning most families are returning from their travels. For some people, pets are a part of the celebration and are included in travel plans. While some pets are easy travel companions, others are better left at home in the care of a trusted friend or neighbor. Even if visiting your […]

Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Dogs

Like humans, it is normal for dogs to experience the occasional upset stomach, or episode of diarrhea, but experiencing severe symptoms, such as bloody stools, may be a sign of something more serious. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) refers to a group of gastrointestinal diseases that result in the inflammation of the intestines. The exact cause […]

Ear Infections in Dogs

Many dog owners have witnessed their pet excessively scratching their ears or rubbing their head on a hard surface. Some owners may even notice redness, swelling, or odor in their dog’s ear canal. Although we may do everything we can to keep our dogs clean, these common signs could be a result of a canine […]

Socializing your Puppy

Many dog owners have heard that socializing their puppy is important, but many do not know where to begin. It is important to show your puppy that not all people and animals pose a threat. Exposing your puppy to the world through proper socialization will help them develop into a social, obedient, and confident dog. […]

Pets as Holiday Gifts

Giving an adorable puppy or kitten as a gift this holiday season may seem like a wonderful idea, but it is important to remember that pets need a lifetime of care and commitment long after the holiday season. Surprising your family with a new fuzzy friend on that special holiday morning is tempting, but be […]

Preventing Obesity in Pets

Like humans, pets can become obese and develop excess body fat, which can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes or degenerative joint disease. In order to provide your furry best friend with the highest quality of life and increase their life span, be sure to follow these simple steps to prevent obesity in […]

Parvovirus in Puppies

Vaccinations can prevent many illnesses in puppies, but viruses such as canine parvovirus are still a threat to dogs with developing immune systems. Young puppies often have immunity against the virus because they get antibodies from the colostrum in their mother’s milk, but these antibodies are not always as effective as a vaccine. Dr. Johanna […]

Advancing One Health in South Africa

South Africa abounds in wildlife and livestock, providing an ideal One Health platform for collaborations in transboundary infectious and parasitic diseases. To explore research and educational opportunities for Texas A&M University, Dr. Rosina “Tammi” Krecek, interim assistant dean of One Health and visiting professor in Veterinary Pathobiology (VTPB) and Dr. Angela Arenas, assistant professor in […]

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