Pet Talk

Benefits of Interacting with Cats

We’ve all heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” But have you ever considered interacting with your pet as another way to prevent doctor visits? Many people are experiencing the social and health benefits of interacting with their four-legged cat and dog friends. The proof is not only evident in happy […]

Allergies in Pets

Many of us look forward to the warm spring weather after enduring the harsh winter months. The spring season brings peaceful fields of blooming flowers and a warm, inviting sun. Unfortunately, spring is also a time when many people suffer from allergies that can make daily life almost intolerable. Just like people, pets can suffer […]

Keeping Fido Safe in the Summer Heat

Many people take advantage of May’s warm weather by making resolutions to get themselves and their pets in shape for summer. However, when participating in outdoor activities like walking or running during these high temperatures, extra precautions need to be taken to ensure your pet’s safety in the summer heat. Dr. Mark Stickney, clinical associate professor […]

Breast Cancer in Cats

Breast cancer is unfortunately prevalent not only among humans, but also in our feline friends. Just like with people, mammary cancer is very aggressive in cats, and they have the best chance of survival if caught early. “Eighty-five percent of mammary tumors found in cats are malignant, and more that 80 percent will eventually spread […]

Pets like Camping, too!

For those who enjoy the great outdoors, camping during the springtime can be a perfect weekend getaway.  However, if you don’t want to leave your pets behind while setting out on your adventure, try bringing them along. “Many campgrounds allow pets, with certain rules and regulations,” said Dr. Mark Stickney, clinical associate professor at the […]

Rats as Pets

Although cats and dogs may be the most common types of pets, for many other pet owners, animal companionship doesn’t stop there. In honor of World Rat Day on April 2nd, here are the ins and outs of caring for a rat as a pet. “Rats are probably the most social and interactive of the […]

Fostering Pets

As an animal lover, you know just how hard it is to pass up that sweet puppy dogface while walking through your local shelter or rescue group. If adoption isn’t possible for you at the moment, fostering can be an amazing opportunity to provide a homeless pet with a nurturing, temporary home until they are […]

Household Toxicities

Although we may be extra-cautious when using household cleaners, automotive products, or pest control products in our homes and gardens, it may come as a surprise that the tasty morsel we just dropped while preparing dinner could endanger our best friend. Chocolate can be found lying around the majority of households, especially during the holidays. […]

Traveling With Four-Legged Baggage

With spring break upon us, and summer vacations right around the corner, it’s time to start planning your much-needed getaways. Whichever destination you choose, having your pet by your side makes it even more enjoyable. However, there are some important things to consider before letting your furry family member tag along on your travels. “The […]

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease, a common tick-borne disease in humans, can be contracted by our canine companions as well.  The disease, which is caused by a spirochete bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, can often be difficult to diagnose. “Hard-shelled ticks of the genus Ixodes transmit Borrelia burgdorferi,” said Dr. Carly Duff, veterinary resident at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. “The […]

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