Pet Talk

Animal-assisted Therapy

Depression, loneliness, stress and anxiety threaten the health of our society. Oftentimes, old age and rehabilitation foster the negative emotional, psychological and physical ailments that can take a damaging toll on our well-being. Prescription medications and psychiatrists work hard to provide the suffering with help, but sometimes a sloppy, wet kiss from a furry friend […]

Born To Be Wild

There is perhaps one moment in almost everyone’s life when they come across a baby raccoon, squirrel, or even deer fawn, which seems to be helpless and alone. We tend to think that the only way these cute little animals will survive is with our tender loving care. Other times, our culture considers it trendy […]

Pet Hygiene

Looking neat and smelling clean are crucial aspects of social interaction for most people. While we also like our pets to smell and look nice, there are many other important reasons to maintain their hygiene. “Bathing and grooming your pets is helpful for their appearance, but even more so for their health and well-being,” explains […]

Ear Care for Pets

Hot, humid days are rapidly approaching as summer slowly begins. The season means finally diving into the neighborhood swimming pool, children on summer vacation running through the streets, and grass lawns growing at seemingly breakneck speeds. But summer could also mean painful ear infections for your pet. Heat, moisture and even grass clippings could cause […]

Animal Influenza

The recent emergence and spread of the Swine Flu virus, also known as H1N1, has affected people throughout the world. From school closings to cancelled vacations, the Swine Flu has caused a lot of concern. These concerns have led many to take extended precautions for themselves, their spouses and their children. But what, if any, […]

Adopting a Pet

His pudgy nose, tiny paws and sloppy, wet kisses melted your heart in an instant. But after giving in to desire and surprising the family with a new furry friend, you found that caring for a new puppy was not exactly what you expected. Adopting a pet can be rewarding, but certain steps must be […]

Springtime Yard Hazards for Pets

Springtime is garden time. Spring is when we plant new plants and get our yards ready to shine. While you are preparing your outdoor areas for your family to enjoy just make sure you take the steps to ensure that it is safe for your pets to enjoy as well and free of yard hazards. […]

First Aid Tips for Pet Owners

It’s the middle of the night and your phone rings. Your dog has gotten out and was hit by a car. What do you do? When our kids or our significant other gets sick or hurt we have a pretty good idea of how to take care of them. Unfortunately, most people are not prepared […]

So You Want a Pet Bird?

Now more than ever, Americans are constantly on the go. Long days at the office coupled with the demanding extra-curricular activities for kids leaves little time spent at home. So before adding another member to the family, it is important to consider the responsibilities of caring for and choosing your pet bird. “There are several […]

Best Pets for People with Allergies

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that one in five Americans suffers from all types of allergies, and of these between 15 and 30 percent have allergic reactions to cats and dogs. With so many people affected by allergies, it has become a growing trend to market pets as hypo-allergenic or suitable for […]

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