New Emergency Medicine Facility

Staffed by experts in veterinary critical care and emergency medicine, the newly renovated facility includes sophisticated equipment such as a human-health grade laboratory analyzer for blood, a new state-of-the-art ventilator with graphics, monitors for vital signs, defibrillators, syringe pumps, and other emergency room instruments that are currently supporting cutting-edge medicine and surgery in human hospitals.

Treatment“This new facility reflects the rapid advancement in veterinary medicine over the past ten years,” said Dr. Maureen McMichael, Director of the Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Program. “Now, veterinarians have access to some of the same technologies that human practitioners use.”

The new equipment and larger facility will help veterinarians at the Small Animal Hospital to better diagnosis and treat a variety of emergency conditions including massive trauma, neurological conditions, toxicities, renal failure, and emergency referral cases from veterinarians across the State.

Expanded areas include intensive and intermediate care, anesthesia preparation, and a much-needed endoscopic procedure room. “We hope that our growing critical care and emergency medicine service will support veterinarians not only in Texas, but throughout the Southwest,” added McMichael.

Texas A&M University’s Small Animal Hospital serves as one of the most sophisticated veterinary medical teaching laboratories in the nation where fourth-year students in the professional program can learn the art and science of veterinary medicine. The expansion in critical care and emergency medicine facilities and staff is anticipated to increase the skills of graduating veterinarians in this growing specialty.

In addition to McMichael, Dana Heath, Assistant Hospital Administrator and the newly-elected President of the National Organization of Critical Care Technicians, Lori Atkins, the Critical Care Coordinator, as well as other clinical specialists will staff the new critical care and emergency medicine facility. Veterinarians and members of the media got a “Sneak Preview” of the new state-of-the-art critical care and emergency medicine facility at Texas A&M University’s Small Animal Hospital on Monday, September 10, 2002. It was a rare opportunity to see the facility because once patients are admitted to the unit; only veterinarians, technicians, and fourth year medical students working in emergency medicine and critical care will be permitted to enter.

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