New Equine Pavilion Dedicated
COLLEGE STATION – Texas A&M University’s College of Veterinary Medicine dedicated its recently completed Equine Pavilion, one of the largest and most advanced facilities of its type in the world, during ceremonies Friday, April 5, at 2 p.m. as part of Texas A&M University’s 125th Anniversary Celebration. The new facility, located adjacent to the Large Animal Hospital, has more than 19,000 square feet of treatment rooms and breeding areas and will increase stall capacity for equine patients by about 70 percent.
“These much-needed stalls and treatment areas will enable the College of Veterinary Medicine to provide continued excellent service to Texas veterinarians and horse owners, both of whom are important parts of an industry that contributes billions to our economy,” said H. Richard Adams, dean of the College of the Veterinary Medicine. “This is truly a world-class facility,” Adams added. “It will also enhance the learning experience of future generations of Texas veterinarians who will be assuming key roles in the medical and surgical care of horses well into the 21st century.” Funding for the Equine Pavilion included gifts from the Patsy Link Estate and the Fondren Foundation.
Two crucial areas of the pavilion are the breeding areas and the equine reproduction laboratories. Both will further the understanding of equine reproduction and maximize reproduction efficiency, Adams said.
With a focus on the diagnosis and treatment of reproduction disorders, semen collection and preservation, oocyte transfer and evaluation services, the new facility will strengthen Texas A&M’s equine program, one known internationally for its overall excellence, Adams noted.
To commemorate Texas A&M University’s 125th Anniversary, the Equine Pavilion dedication included a glimpse into the past with a farrier demonstration, a chuck wagon with a cowboy cook, and an historical photo display highlighting the development of Texas A&M University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.
Tours of the Equine Pavilion were given following the dedication ceremonies.
Established in 1916, the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M is one of the world’s largest veterinary colleges and is an international leader in animal health care and research.