News Stories

Monica Pickett with her dog

A Passion For People And Pets

“I’m one of those students who decided they were going to be a veterinarian when they were 5 years old,” Monica Pickett said. Along with the love for animals that unites all veterinarians, Pickett’s calling is largely based on her desire to interact with clients, and is as much about the people as the pets. […]

Dr. Wesley Bissett

Texas A&M VET Heads To Texas Panhandle For First Deployment Supporting Human Health

From its first out-of-state deployment in December 2018—which was also the team’s first foray into shelter management—to its first back-to-back deployment last fall, the Texas A&M Veterinary Emergency Team has faced a lot of new challenges over the last two years. The team is now adding to that list of firsts with a call-to-action by […]

Alicia Robinson holding a baby goat in front of a red truck

The Power Of Persistence

The road to veterinary school is, by nature, dauntless and difficult. While many students are fortunate to gain entrance on their first attempt, some students face additional obstacles they must overcome in order to pursue their dream of becoming a veterinarian. Alicia Robinson, from Wills Point, Texas, applied three times before being accepted to the […]

Two students examine a dog

Steady In The Storm

Disasters that endanger animals come in many guises. Some come in the form of natural disasters like Tropical Storm Imelda, which severely flooded 13 Texas counties in September 2019. In rural Chambers County alone, approximately 100 cattle, horses, dogs, and cats were rescued and/or treated for floodwater-related injuries. An additional 4,000 head of livestock were […]

Zoom screen showing VET members and students

Texas A&M VET Prepares Veterinary Students For Entering Jobs In Midst Of Pandemic

When the Texas A&M Veterinary Emergency Team (VET) is called into action, it’s normally the animals they’re concerned about, but COVID-19 has presented a different challenge—how to continue operations when it’s people who are at risk. “Usually, if we talk about a disaster like a fire or a hurricane, we talk about continuing operations in […]

Zachary and Victoria Grimsley in the VENI lobby

Healing With Love

Zachary and Victoria Grimsley had only been engaged for a few months when they began applying to veterinary schools. They met as animal science majors at Texas Tech University—where she had won a National Championship in wool judging and he participated on the meat judging team—and they knew that whatever veterinary school they ultimately chose, […]

Duc Nguyen looks into a microscope while Dr. Dana Gaddy watches

Today’s Research, Tomorrow’s Cure

For Duc Nguyen, research is one of the most fascinating aspects of veterinary medicine. While he initially intended to be a child behavioral psychologist when he began studying psychology at the University of Houston, in the final year of his undergraduate degree, Nguyen suddenly realized that his true passion was for animals and veterinary medicine. […]

two veterinary students practice stitching

CVM Veterinary Students Learn Principles Of Surgery At Home

The path to becoming a veterinarian is, by nature, very hands-on. Students first see and practice procedures on synthetic models, learning by experience and honing their skills safely before graduating to care for real animals. With the dawn of COVID-19, teaching these essential skills has become more difficult. The transition to virtual learning distances students […]

Anna Marie Pratas holds a grey cat in a veterinary ER

Leadership Lessons

While many Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) students were not Aggies before they were admitted to veterinary school, they fully embrace the Aggie Core Values as they step into the Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex (VBEC) to begin the next step in their educational journeys. A select few go on to demonstrate their commitment to […]

Team with Donkey

VET Returns Home After Four-Day Deployment In Polk County

Like many others in Polk County, Texas, affected by the April 23 tornado, Karen Pruitt, Texas A&M Class of ’87, not only had damage to her property, but injuries to her animals as well. So, when she saw the Texas A&M Veterinary Emergency Team (VET) arrive, it was an uplifting moment in an otherwise trying […]

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