Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine at the Reliant Park Dog Show
COLLEGE STATION, TX – This past summer, representatives from the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences were delighted to attend the 32nd annual Reliant Park World Series of Dog Shows, which was held July 16 through 19th. Dogs from all over Texas participated and were judged in various events including conformation, agility, flyball and obedience. The show also hosted seminars on different breeds, as well as demonstrations of Canine Frisbee and Canine Musical Freestyle.
David Sessum RVT, rehabilitation technician for the CVM, attended the Reliant Park dog show in order to make people aware of the new and exciting things happening at the college.
“The dog show was an excellent public relations opportunity for the college” said Sessum. “It was a chance to educate people on what is happening at the college and the services we offer. We spoke to many former clients who have been very happy with our service and also to teachers and students who were there to learn about the world of veterinary medicine.”
A very special highlight for the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine is that their very own “Stump” the Westminster’s 2009 best in show, made an appearance at the Reliant Park Dog Show. “Stump” is a Sussex spaniel who first presented at Texas A&M as a very sick pup with a severe heart infection. With the help of CVM’s attentive care, “Stump” recovered and went on to be awarded “Top Dog” at the annual Westminster Kennel Club dog show in 2009.
The annual Reliant Park World Series Dog Show is currently the largest in the nation, and was a great opportunity to let the public know more about the services of the world famous institution that is the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine Biomedical Sciences.