Texas A&M University CVM Dean Honored with University-Level Distinguished Achievement Award in Administration
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The Texas A&M Association of Former Students (AFS) awarded Dr. Eleanor M. Green, the Carl B. King Dean of Veterinary Medicine at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) a University-Level Distinguished Achievement Award in Administration, one of the highest honors presented by the AFS.
Green, who arrived at the CVM in 2009 as its first woman dean in its near 100-year history, has been recognized as an exceptional leader, collaborator, and innovator. Under her leadership, the CVM was designated as the lead college for Texas A&M University’s One Health Initiative-a transdisciplinary effort bringing multiple colleges within the university together to address the challenges of improving the health and welfare of animals, humans, and the environment. In addition, she has led university-level and national-level initiatives directed at improving diversity and climate within the academic setting and the veterinary profession.
Outside the walls of the CVM, Green has contributed significantly to the growth of the veterinary profession, veterinary medical education, and mentorship and opportunities for women. She is a recognized trailblazer, having served as the first woman president for three different national organizations: the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, the American Association of Veterinary Clinicians, and the American Association of Equine Practitioners. In addition, she was the first veterinarian inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame. Currently, she serves as president-elect for the board of directors for the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges and is helping to shape the future of veterinary education.
“The impact that Dean Green has already made on the veterinary industry at the national, state and local level is more than most people accomplish in a lifetime,” said Dr. Kenita Rogers, associate dean for professional programs in the CVM, in her nomination letter. “She has brought about positive, enduring change to our college, as well as to the university and her profession.”
Each honoree received a framed certificate from the AFS along with a $4,000 monetary award. The awards, begun in 1955, recognize outstanding members of Texas A&M’s faculty and staff for their commitment, performance, and positive impact on Aggie students, Texas citizens, and the world around them.