Scratching The Surface Of Atopic Dermatitis
For many people and pets, spring (aka “allergy season”) is a time of excessive sneezing, itching, and scratching. For some pets, however, their allergy season is never ending, lasting into summer, fall, and winter. Veterinary dermatologist Dr. Adam Patterson, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, discusses […]
Waylon’s Hero: Itching To Make A Difference
When Jill Lee noticed that her Labrador Retriever, Waylon, couldn’t walk and was heavily panting, she immediately knew that something was wrong. After further examination, she discovered that Waylon’s paws and nose were covered in painful scabs and pimples. “His paws were so itchy that Waylon was literally chewing his paw pads off,” […]
Pets can have allergies too
With spring right around the corner, many of us are bracing ourselves for pesky allergies. Just like people, pets can suffer from allergies, too. While humans tear, cough, and sneeze their way through allergy season, pets usually deal with allergies differently. Dr. Adam Patterson, a clinical associate professor and chief of dermatology at the Texas […]
Veterinary dermatologists help pets look and feel their best
In addition to the burden of fleas and ticks, pets can experience skin health issues, such as dry skin or allergic reactions. Fortunately, the veterinary dermatology service at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) can help. Most dermatology cases at the CVM involve health issues with fleas and ticks, skin […]
Treating and Preventing Fleas
When dog and cat owners notice their pet excessively scratching, biting, and licking, many of them associate these signs with fleas. With so many products on market for flea treatment and prevention, finding the right product to treat your pet and house can be both intimidating and confusing. Controlling fleas is a multi-step process and […]
Ringworm in Pets
Although the name often misleads pet owners into thinking a worm has invaded their pet’s bodies, ringworm is actually a fungus that can affect the hair, skin and nails. Common in cats, this fungus can lead to circular patterns of hair loss and red, scabby bumps. Before you introduce another pet into your home, knowing […]
Allergies in Pets
Many of us look forward to the warm spring weather after enduring the harsh winter months. The spring season brings peaceful fields of blooming flowers and a warm, inviting sun. Unfortunately, spring is also a time when many people suffer from allergies that can make daily life almost intolerable. Just like people, pets can suffer […]
Staph infections and Methicillin Resistance in Companion Animals
Staphylococcus (staph) bacteria are all around us in an intimate way since it normally lives on the skin and mucous membranes of both people and animals alike. It usually is not of a concern to the individual if the skin is functioning normally and there is not a risk for infection (e.g., systemic illness and […]
Animals and Allergies
With the emergence of springtime, comes the arrival of allergies. Although the landscape is lush, many people experience the beauty that comes with the warmer weather as well as the bothersome allergy symptoms. Pets can also be affected by allergies and it is important to be mindful of any symptoms that your pet might be […]
Do You Have a Cool Pet?
“Don’t let ’em see you sweat” … good advice if you’re in the business world trying to close a deal. But, if you are dealing with a pet, knowing how that animal keeps itself cool could be vital to its well being, especially when temperatures are high. “Fur-bearing animals may use different body mechanisms to […]