Should They Stay Or Should They Go? Things To Know Before Taking Pets On Holiday Trips
Walking into your room to find a curled-up dog or cat resting within your opened suitcase can be heart-wrenching, to say the least. With the winter chill sweeping in, a holiday trip may be on the horizon, leading owners to consider whether they should invite their furry friends to join in on the fun. Dr. […]
July Fourth Pet Safety
The anticipated celebration of America’s Independence Day calls for an annual celebration full of fireworks, grilling, and cheers. Amid the fun-filled chaos, however, sometimes lies the overlooked care of pets that may have a contrasting and much more fear-filled perspective of the Fourth of July. Dr. Christine Rutter, a clinical associate professor of emergency and […]
Snake Alert: What To Do If Your Pet Is Bitten
Spring has sprung, but flowers may not be the only things popping up in your yard; this also is the season when snakes come out of hibernation. There are almost 3,000 different species of snakes in the world, with less than a third considered venomous, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service. However, […]
Understanding The Complexity Of Seizures
Seizures, which are caused by a burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between brain cells, can be scary and often lead to uncertainty for pet owners, as seizures affect a pet’s movements, behavior, senses, or state of awareness. To assist pet owners in better understanding these conditions in companion animals, Dr. Christine Rutter, a clinical associate professor […]
Preventing Pet Intoxication
Our furry friends have curious natures, and even though we try our best to keep them safe and healthy, they may still get into trouble when they unknowingly eat human medications or other common household items that are toxic to them. Dr. Christine Rutter, a clinical associate professor of emergency medicine at the Texas A&M […]
Bone Voyage: International Travel With Pets
As summer approaches and the promise of widespread COVID-19 vaccination becomes more hopeful, those with cabin fever may be planning exciting vacations abroad after spending the past year in their homes. If pet parents are considering a vacation overseas and intend to bring their animal, they should plan for their furry friend far in advance […]
Bark Voyage: Traveling With Pets
Pet owners choosing to travel domestically while following the appropriate precautions or those planning a post-COVID adventure may be apprehensive about leaving their animal companion at home during their vacation. Carrying a critter cross-country may seem daunting, but with the proper planning, owners should be confident that they can get their furry friend where they […]
“Bee” Aware Of Insect Stings This Summer
The summer season offers many opportunities for pets and their owners to get outside and enjoy nature. These adventures can provide wonderful opportunities for enrichment, but blooming flowers, gardening, and spending more time outdoors can increase a pet’s exposure to stinging insects. Dr. Christine Rutter, a clinical assistant professor and emergency and critical care specialist […]
Hot Topic: Keeping Your Pet Safe As Temperatures Rise
Texas is known for hot summers that leave many residents ready for air conditioning and a cool drink. Because pets’ bodies expel heat less efficiently and generate more heat pound-for-pound than humans, our furry friends can be even more impacted by rising temperatures and heat stress. Dr. Christine Rutter, a clinical assistant professor and emergency […]
Hobby Hazards: Maintaining a Pet-Safe Environment
After spending part of March and all of April at home, many people are finding that their television queues are watched, their video games are won, and their chores are done (or avoided!). As they search for more creative ways to pass the time, hobbies like painting, embroidery, and jogging are making a resurgence. Though […]