September is National Service Dog Month

From providing companionship to keeping an eye-out for medical emergencies, emotional support and service dogs assist their handlers in a variety of ways. While both roles are vital for the well-being of their owners, their job descriptions are not the same—an emotional support animal is a companion animal that can benefit its owner by providing […]

Fatty tumors are nothing to fear

Finding a mysterious growth under your dog’s skin can be a frightening experience; however, owners can find comfort in knowing that these mystery bumps are not as uncommon as they may think. As dogs age, they can develop benign growths beneath the skin—the most common of these being lipomas, or fatty tumors. According to Dr. […]

Brucella canis is a disease of dogs and humans

Brucella canis, a strain of brucellosis that can be carried by dogs, is one of the leading causes of canine infertility. The highly contagious, and often underrecognized, bacterium can lead to abortions,  stillborn puppies, testicular abnormalities, and failure to conceive, but can also cause back pain and inflammation of the spinal column in dogs. Dr. Angela […]

Mammary tumors in dogs

Many of us know someone affected by cancer. Unfortunately, cancer in the mammary glands (similar to breast cancer in humans) can also occur in both male and female dogs. In fact, mammary tumors are the most common type of tumor seen in intact (not spayed) female dogs. Dr. Brandan Wustefeld-Janssens, assistant professor of surgical oncology […]

Does your dog have poor potty manners?

No matter how well-behaved your pet is, chances are that your pet has inappropriately urinated at least once in its life. But before blaming Fido or Fluffy for bad behavior, ask yourself how often you are taking your pet outside. Inappropriate urination may just be an “accident,” especially if your pet’s potty breaks aren’t frequent. […]

CVM Researchers Develop Diagnostic Test for 11 Tick-Borne Diseases

The warmer weather can mean many things for pet owners in Texas. Chief among those should be ticks. The domestic Brown Dog, Lone Star, Gulf Coast, and other ticks are the cause of the thousands of tick-borne disease cases reported annually in the United States. Thanks to a diagnostic test created by researchers in the […]

Exercise with your pet this New Year

If your New Year’s resolution is to exercise more, then consider including your dog in your routine. Just like humans, pets need daily exercise to stay fit and healthy—no matter their age or breed. Dr. Stacy Eckman, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, offered some insight on […]

Heart Murmurs in Dogs

When a veterinarian uses a stethoscope to listen to your dog’s heart, chances are that the heart will sound normal. However, in some cases, a veterinarian may hear an abnormality such as a heart murmur. Sonya Wesselowski, a clinical assistant professor of cardiology at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, said […]

Dog Park Etiquette

Does your dog need a change of scenery? Consider taking Fido to the dog park, where he or she can play, exercise, and socialize with other dogs and people. These activities can benefit your dog both physically and mentally. But that doesn’t mean Fido should be free to roam the park without your supervision. Kit […]

Protecting your Pet from Canine Influenza

At the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM), veterinarians are working to educate pet parents about the recent outbreak of canine influenza in Georgia and Florida that could affect dogs in Texas. Just like humans, pets can be affected by strains of influenza and experience flu-like symptoms. The strains of influenza […]


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