Time For A Summer Cut? Tips For Warm Weather Dog Grooming

While people tend to dress differently depending on the season, most pets “wear” the same coat year-round. Shaving off this hair during the hot summer months may seem like a good idea to keep a dog cool, but it can actually have the opposite effect for some animals. Dr. Ashley Navarrette, a clinical assistant professor […]

Grappling With Giardia: Tips For Avoiding Infection

When pet owners think about protecting their animal from parasites, the first creepy creatures that come to mind are often fleas, ticks, and heartworms. But one less well-known parasite to watch out for is Giardia, which has strains that infect dogs, cats, and even people. Dr. Meriam Saleh, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas […]

When To See A Veterinarian For A Dog’s Stomach Ache

Just like people, dogs can get stomach aches for a variety of reasons, from eating something they shouldn’t have to catching a disease. Because these causes have a wide range of severity, many dog owners are unsure of how to respond to a dog showing gastrointestinal (GI) upset and if a trip to the veterinarian […]

Keep It Cool This Summer: Tips For Taking Dogs Swimming

When the weather heats up, many people and pups love getting in the water to cool down. Whether a dog enjoys swimming or just splashing in the shallows, there are several things to keep in mind to ensure they stay safe this summer. While it’s a common belief that all dogs can swim, this is […]

Considerations For Camping With Canines

Summer presents a wonderful opportunity to spend time in the great outdoors with your pet. From long hikes to relaxing nights sitting around a campfire, there are many fun camping activities dogs enjoy being a part of. D’Lisa Hidalgo, a veterinary technician at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences’ Veterinary Medical […]

Scratching The Surface Of Atopic Dermatitis

For many people and pets, spring (aka “allergy season”) is a time of excessive sneezing, itching, and scratching. For some pets, however, their allergy season is never ending, lasting into summer, fall, and winter. Veterinary dermatologist Dr. Adam Patterson, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, discusses […]

The Ins And Outs Of Pet Feeding Tubes

When dealing with pain, illness, or stress, some pets choose to stop eating no matter how many enticing meals they are offered. In certain cases, because a lack of nutrition can lead to serious health complications, veterinarians can suggest using a feeding tube until the pet begins to eat on its own again. Feeding tubes […]

Polishing Up On Animal Nail Care

While getting a manicure or pedicure is often seen as a luxury for people, proper nail care is a necessity for dogs and cats. Regular nail maintenance in companion animals is important for a multitude of reasons, including your pet’s overall health. If a pet’s nails become overgrown, everyday activities such as walking or running […]

How to Care for a Deaf Dog

Whether they stand up straight or flop over, your dog’s ears help give your canine friend an amazing sense of hearing that plays a large role in hunting, playing, and everyday life. What are the implications, then, for a dog that is born deaf or loses its hearing? Dr. Lori Teller, an associate professor at […]

Seeing The Bigger Picture: How Cataracts Affect Pets

Just as humans may develop vision loss or impairments, our animal friends also can experience issues such as cataracts as they age. The term cataract refers to an opacity of the lens within the eye, causing both a discomfort and a loss of vision. While all species are susceptible to developing cataracts, Dr. Lucien Vallone, […]


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