Watch Out for Nasopharyngeal Cicatrix In Horses

Some horses in a narrow region of Texas have developed a condition known as nasopharyngeal cicatrix, which causes scarring of the upper airway. Researchers believe this disease is the result of an environmental agent, but no one knows for sure what causes it or why it is so localized. Dr. Canaan Whitfield, an assistant professor […]

Preparing your horse for severe weather

Severe weather can be troublesome for humans and animals, alike. While small, indoor pets are easier to board and travel with, horses require additional preparedness and precautions. Dr. Jessica Millwood, a resident in equine practice at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, said that planning ahead and paying attention to weather […]

Routine vaccinations are essential for equine health

Vaccines are one of the easiest and most efficient ways to protect your horse’s health, preventing the contraction and spread of infectious diseases including Rabies, West Nile Virus, and Influenza. In continuation of National Immunization Awareness Month, Dr. Leslie Easterwood, a clinical assistant professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, offers recommendations […]

Texas A&M Researchers Help Preserve History Through Equine Genetics Study

From the stunning rock formations to the fields of wild flowers, the Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota offers more than 70,000 acres of adventure. The park is also home to some of the most majestic and breathtaking animals in the United States—wild horses. “Legend has it that the Teddy Roosevelt horses are descendants […]

Horses with Heart

“That horse has a lot of heart.” There is no better compliment to bestow on a ranch horse. Far more than descriptive of its endurance and athleticism, the statement defines a horse’s physical and mental toughness and willingness to try, despite being maximally challenged or physically exhausted. These guys want to give their all, regardless […]

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), a type of skin cancer that commonly occurs on white-skinned areas of horses, can be difficult to treat. That’s why Dr. Leslie Easterwood, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, said early detection and treatment are key. SCC most commonly occurs at mucocutaneous […]

Does your horse need extra care this winter?

Texas may have mild winters, but that doesn’t mean temperatures can’t drop below freezing. On these cold days, how can you help your horses stay warm? In general, horses’ coats are enough to keep them warm in the winter, even in snowy weather, said Leslie Easterwood, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of […]

Is your horse safe from Equine Infectious Anemia?

Horses are beautiful and strong creatures, but they still depend on their owners to keep them healthy. One disease horse owners should be aware of is Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA), a virus that can destroy red blood cells, causing weakness, anemia, and death. Dr. Michelle Coleman, assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary […]

Horse Farriers Play an Important Role in Horse Health

Though some may consider a horseshoe a symbol of luck, many horse owners depend on horseshoes to help keep their horse’s hooves healthy. In turn, healthy horse hooves can result in a happy and performance-ready horse. The skilled tradesman that make horse shoes and apply them to horses’ hooves are called farriers. Jason Maki, farrier […]

Colic in Horses

Although horses have historically been known as working livestock, today they are often referred to as companion animals. More and more people are seeking to own pet horses, making large animal veterinary medicine even more important. With a growing horse industry, first-time horse owners should be aware and educated about one of the most common […]


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