Springtime Gardening and Pet Safety

Spring is the season for being outdoors. For many that mean slipping on their rubber boots and gloves, grabbing their shovel, and planting seeds in the hope of an ample garden in the near future. While preparing your plot, it’s important to take steps to ensure that it’s safe for your pets to enjoy as […]

Holidays Hazards for Pets

Holidays can be a wonderful time spent with loved ones and being grateful for everything we have received over the past year. However, there are some things to be aware of when holidays are in session. Our pets can become vulnerable to some holiday hazards and it is important to be knowledgeable and cautious about […]

When the Wild Meet the Tame

With the rapid growth of urbanization these days, people are coming into contact with wild animals more frequently than ever. This means that our pets are coming into contact with them as well, which can sometimes pose a dangerous situation. If you own a smaller pet such as a cat or smaller breed of dog, […]

Pet First Aid Kit and Emergency Care Information

“Be prepared” is good advice especially if there is an emergency. To be better prepared in a pet emergency, a pet first aid kit is beneficial. “The biggest advantage for having a pet first aid kit would be so that you can concentrate on what you can do for your pet constructively rather than looking […]


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