The Importance of Flea & Tick Control
Tick season is here and flea season is soon to follow. These pests don’t just annoy our cats and dogs, but they also serve as vectors that spread a large number of diseases between animals. Vector-borne diseases are transmitted by parasites that carry bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens. These diseases may be dangerous, but pets […]
Preventing Lyme disease in pets
We all know that pets are prone to getting fleas and ticks, but did you know that these pesky parasites could transmit dangerous diseases to your pet? Maria Esteve-Gasent, Ph.D., assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, explained everything pet owners need to know about Lyme disease, a tick-borne […]
CVM Researchers Develop Diagnostic Test for 11 Tick-Borne Diseases
The warmer weather can mean many things for pet owners in Texas. Chief among those should be ticks. The domestic Brown Dog, Lone Star, Gulf Coast, and other ticks are the cause of the thousands of tick-borne disease cases reported annually in the United States. Thanks to a diagnostic test created by researchers in the […]