Brushing Up On Your Pet’s Dental Care
February is National Pet Dental Health Month, but maintaining good dental care for pets is essential year-round, as dental problems can also impact overall health. Dr. Adriana Regalado, a clinical assistant professor of dentistry at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, offers insights into the importance of good dental health and how […]
Straight From The Horse’s Mouth: Equine Dental Care
February is National Pet Dental Health month, a time when pet owners are reminded that routine oral care is an important aspect of their animal’s well-being. Just like their small animal counterparts, large animals such as horses also require veterinary attention to keep their mouths in top shape. Dr. Leslie Easterwood, a clinical assistant professor […]
Tooth Be Told: What To Know About Gingivitis
Celebrated every February, National Pet Dental Health month aims to bring awareness the importance of oral health care for pets. In addition to bad breath, poor oral health can contribute to damage to the teeth and gums as well as periodontal disease, which can negatively impact the kidney, liver, and heart muscle. One common type […]
Don’t Brush Off Your Cat’s Dental Health
February is Pet Dental Health Month, an opportune time for pet owners to check on in the health of their furry friend’s mouth. While pet owners may be more familiar with the importance of the oral health of their dogs, cats especially are at risk for developing dental disease, so regular dental care is paramount […]
Equine Dental Health: Straight From the Horse’s Mouth
Horses use their teeth for several functions, including eating, grooming, and defense. Like most other pets, horses need regular check-ups and maintenance for their teeth, which should be done by an equine veterinarian. For National Pet Dental Health Month this February, Dr. Leslie Easterwood, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary […]
February is Pet Dental Health Month
Dental health in dogs and cats may sometimes be overlooked by pet owners. However, just like humans, pets need regular dental cleanings to keep their gums and teeth healthy. As part of pet dental health month, Dr. J.R. “Bert” Dodd, a clinical professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, explained […]
Dental Hygiene in Dogs and Cats
Most of us know oral hygiene can play a critical role in a person’s overall health; but did you know the same applies for your furry friends? Humans schedule regular dental cleanings to keep their gums and teeth healthy, but dental health in dogs and cats may be overlooked by pet owners. Dr. J.R. “Bert” […]
Pet Dental Health Month
Your pet’s dental health is much more complex than just maintaining a dazzling, pearly white smile. Though easy to overlook, our pets’ oral hygiene should be taken very seriously. With February being Pet Dental Health Month, there is no better time to begin awareness and maintenance of your pet’s oral hygiene. “Oral hygiene has a […]
Pet Dental Health
We all know that our dental health is important. We even visit our dentist regularly to have teeth cleanings and oral exams. Keeping our teeth clean is vital to our health and well-being, and that is no different for our pets. “Ideally, you should brush your pet’s teeth daily,” states Dr. Johnathon Dodd, clinical professor […]
Dental Hygiene for Dogs
An ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure, but when it comes to your dog’s health; practicing good dental hygiene may make a ton of difference. “In fact, an animal’s teeth may be more important to its overall health than most pet owners realize,” says Dr. J.R. “Bert” Dodd, clinical associate professor […]