BIMS Graduate Wins Top Hat Scholarship

Patryk Tomaszkiewicz, a May 2019 graduate from the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, was awarded one of the first annual Top Hat Scholarships for his leadership, growth, and academic success. Tomaszkiewicz double majored in biomedical sciences and entomology, with a minor in public health. He was nominated for this scholarship by […]

From West Texas to College Station

HAYLEY MORGAN With a long-time passion for horses and a desire to study veterinary medicine, Morgan found herself right at home at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM).  After completing her bachelor’s degree in animal science from West Texas A&M University, Morgan found herself searching for a veterinary program that […]

A ‘Cooperative’ Education

CVM Ambassador Rebecca Gooder is building community relationships as she guides visitors around the college and interacts with customers at the local Producers Cooperative. Story by Megan Myers Rebecca Gooder maintains a busy schedule as a third-year veterinary student who works both as a Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) Ambassador […]

A Love for Horses

Chelsea Burleson, the CVM’s lead student ambassador, has been a horse woman all of her life. Story by Megan Myers When Chelsea Burleson was 8 years old, she visited Texas A&M University and the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) for the first time and immediately knew that this was where she was […]

3VM To Present Equine Research At Internal Medicine Conference

Hunter Greer, a third-year veterinary student at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM), was selected to present her research abstract on equine chronic wound treatment to the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) Forum this June. “I heard about the opportunity to submit an abstract and present at the […]

Planning to Serve: Veterinary Students Aspire to Practice in Rural Communities

Luke Domas Born and raised in Orange, Texas—a small town that runs along the Texas-Louisiana border—Luke Domas grew up on his family’s farm, surrounded by dogs, cats, chickens, horses, rabbits, goats, and a few cows. The desire to be near animals seemed almost innate for Domas, and for as long as he can remember, becoming […]

From West Texas to College Station: Veterinary Students Find Home At Texas A&M

Hayley Morgan With a long-time passion for horses and a desire to study veterinary medicine, Hayley Morgan found herself right at home at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM). After completing her bachelor’s degree in animal science from West Texas A&M University, Morgan found herself searching for a veterinary program […]

Veterinary Students Earn Full Army Scholarships

Two students from the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) have been awarded the U.S. Army’s Health Professional Scholarship, each receiving more than $200,000 to be used to fund their remaining years as CVM students. Sabrina Dagher-Arevalo and Jillian Estrella, both in the CVM Class of 2022, were commissioned into the […]

In Brooke’s Own Words: My Summer Interning in Rural Communities

Veterinary student Brooke Kahlenbrink shares her summer experience exploring veterinary medicine in rural communities through the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences‘ Food Animal and Rural Practice Summer Internship Program. I grew up in Pearland, a large suburb of Houston. My family had a dog, but other than that I had very […]

In Elizabeth’s Own Words: My Summer Internship in the Dairy Industry

I’m originally from Dallas. I’ve always loved animals, but I did not decide on a career in veterinary medicine until my junior year of college, when a veterinarian giving a guest lecture in my epidemiology seminar introduced me to the myriad ways veterinary work impacts human health–from ensuring food safety to identifying emerging infectious diseases. I earned […]


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