Making a PAWSitive Impact

CVM ambassadors Angelica Frazer and Colton Aleman train service dogs to provide veterans with a source of comfort in the home they served to protect. Texas A&M students are often known for having the desire to help others in their communities and beyond. Angelica Frazer, an ambassador for the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine […]

Clinical Trials: Cardiology

The cardiology clinical trials Dr. Sonya Gordon leads are helping to solve some of the biggest issues with the canine heart, while creating tools veterinarians can use to treat patients better—and more cost-effectively. For Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) cardiologist Sonya Gordon, the adage “the greater the risk, the greater […]

Clinical Trials: Oncology

In addition to leading the clinical trials core, Dr. Heather-Wilson Robles’ trials work to fine tune pharmaceuticals that could eventually be used in human cancers, as well as screening tests that could help veterinarians better diagnose cancers. Of the seven clinical trials currently underway in the Small Animal Hospital’s (SAH) oncology service, associate professor Dr. […]

Creating a Culture to Cure

Over the past decade, the Texas A&M Small Animal Hospital has worked to increase the number of clinical trials being conducted, including a recently established trials core led by Dr. Heather Wilson-Robles, all with the hopes of improving the lives of animals and their humans. When Dr. Heather Wilson-Robles came to the Texas A&M College […]

Testing for Trouble

As the college’s newest Distinguished Professor, Dr. Jörg Steiner has led the Texas A&M Gastrointestinal Laboratory (GI Lab) in making major advancements in veterinary medicine through the development of diagnostic tests. Pancreatitis—when the pancreas becomes inflamed or undergoes structural damage—is extremely common in both dogs and cats. An estimated 1 out of every 100 dogs […]

Persistence Makes Perfect

When Texas A&M veterinary student Brianna Armstrong teamed up with animal science major Stephanie Young, the “SKY” became the limit. Texas A&M student Stephanie Young’s mantra is “Let them tell me no.” Perhaps that’s because the one time Young almost took no for an answer, it came from herself.  She had just earned third place […]

Fostering a Community of Hope

CVM veterinary students give back to the Bryan/College Station community by creating a programto help local domestic abuse victims—and their pets. Years of research has made it clear that there is a strong link between animal abuse and domestic violence. According to past research by faculty members of the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine […]

A Hero’s Hero

When a Houston police dog named T-Rex was given an uncommon cancer diagnosis, CVM surgical oncologist Brandan Wustefeld-Janssens stepped in to save his life and get him back on his feet. Houston Police Department Officer Paul Foster has worked with his four-legged K9 partner, a Belgian Malinois named T-Rex, for four years. “We go out […]

Generosity and Gingersnaps

For years, Betsy Overholser has been treating VMTH personnel with homemade baked goods; now she’s treating the hospital and the students who learn there through planned gifts. Like the delicious gingersnaps she bakes, Betsy Overholser’s personality has some extra spice to it. The wonderful blend of spicy and sweet is so predominant in Overholser (and […]

The Magic Bullet

The Small Animal Hospital treats its share of special patients, but when oncologists treated an 8-year-old Australian Labradoodle named Bullet, they found a dog with its own healing touch. Like all Aggies, Bullet’s purpose has always been to live a life of selfless service. When owner Leslie Staven received the now 8-year-old Australian Labradoodle at […]


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