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Zoonotic Diseases Post Test

Welcome to your Zoonotic Diseases Post Test

The gray squirrel, Eastern fox squirrel, and red squirrel are all different species of squirrels. Why is having a scientific name for each species of an organism important?

A team of students encounters an unknown organism in a field while conducting a biodiversity study. Some students think the organism is a plant, while others think it is a fungus. Which question should the students investigate to classify the organism correctly?

Which list correctly identifies characteristics that protists share with animals?

Four common relationships between organisms are listed in the box.

Which statements best describe these relationships?

The acacia ant (Pseudomyrmex ferruginea) lives in the bulls horn acacia plant, as shown below

The acacia ant nests and feeds in the plant’s hollow thorns. The ant helps protect the bullshorn acacia by attacking insects and grazing animals that come near the plant. The relationship between the acacia ant and the bullshorn acacia is an example of which of the following?

A remora is a fish that has an adhesive disk on the back of its head that it uses to attach itself to a large shark. When food floats away from the shark’s mouth as it feeds, the remora collects the scraps. Drawings of a shark with a remora attached and a remora’s adhesive disk are shown below

The relationship between the remora and the shark is an example of —

Using a light microscope, a student identified the following characteristics of four organisms found in a sample of pond water.

Based on the observations of the student, which organisms most likely belong to the taxonomic group for bacteria?

Bats eat insects that damage crops and mosquitoes that are vectors for disease. One million bats can eat several tons of insects per night, saving billions of dollars in pesticides yearly. Agricultural and public health scientists are concerned about the spread of white-nose syndrome (WNS). WNS is a result of a fungus that can infect cave-dwelling bats. While bats hibernate during winter months, the fungus covers the bats’ face and wings. WNS has a near 100% mortality rate, and 5.7 million bats have died since the discovery of the fungus in 2006. Many scientists are searching for ways to protect these bats. The relationship between this fungus and bats can best be defined as —

A group of students used this diagram to classify three organisms into different kingdoms.

Which table correctly identifies the three kingdoms?

The ocean sunfish (Molamola) is a large, flat fish that spends most of its time in deep water feeding mainly on jellyfish. Sunfish often have many species of copepods, small crustaceans that bury their heads into the soft tissue of the sunfish. Sunfish will swim to the surface of the water and lie sideways, allowing seabirds to eat the copepods from their skin.

Which list describes the types of relationships the sunfish has with other marine organisms?

Zoonotic Diseases Pre Test

Welcome to your Zoonotic Diseases Pre Test

Having a standard taxonomic system benefits the scientific community by allowing scientists from all over the world to do which of the following?

The characteristics of a particular organism are listed below.

In which kingdom should this organism be classified?

Which list of characteristics describes organisms classified as animals?

In any environment or ecosystem, organisms can have several different types of relationships. Three types of relationships are described below.

Ecological Relationships:

Which of these correctly describes the relationships between the organisms?

Which of these best demonstrates mutualism between certain types of bacteria and humans?

Parrotfish are herbivores that are found in coral reefs. To escape predation, a parrotfish will graze with a rabbitfish, which has venomous spines at the end of its pelvic fins. The rabbitfish does not benefit from this relationship. Which type of relationship do the parrotfish and the rabbitfish have in the coral-reef environment?

Which kingdom is prokaryotic?

Aphids are tiny insects that live on and eat the leaves of plants, removing vital nutrients from the plants.

What type of symbiotic relationship exists between the aphids and the plant?

Which is missing from the 6 kingdoms listed below?

Animal, Plant, Fungi, Bacteria, Archaeabacteria

Which is NOT an example of a symbiotic relationship?

Zoonotic EK Diseases

Welcome to your Zoonotic EK Diseases

A Zoonotic disease is a disease which may be passed from _______ to _______.

All of these are agents of zoonotic diseases except:

Which of these is NOT a way for a zoonotic parasite to be transmitted from animals to humans?

Zoonotic EK symbiotic

What Symbiotic Relationship is this?

Remoras get a free ride by attaching to larger animals such as sharks. They eat scraps of food left by the shark who is unaffected by their presence.


The protozoan which causes malaria lives in humans and female Anopheles mosquitoes. In humans, it grows and multiplies in red blood cells destroying them and releasing offspring that invade other red blood cells. During this cycle, the human experiences high fevers, chills, and flu-like illness.


Capybaras are large South American rodents. Certain birds will ride on top of capybaras to eat insects dispersed while the capybara walks and feeds. In exchange, the bird grooms the capybara, eating parasites and ticks from its fur.

Zoonotic EK Eukarya

How would you classify these?

Domain of a green organism growing from the ground that is multicellular and that undergoes photosynthesis; its cells have nuclei and cell walls.

Kingdom of a green organism growing from the ground that is multicellular and that undergoes photosynthesis; its cells have nuclei and cell walls.

Domain of an organism that is a multicellular decomposer; its cells have nuclei.

Kingdom of an organism that is a multicellular decomposer; its cells have nuclei.

There are _____ domains and _____ kingdoms in the current classification scheme.

However, classification systems may change as new organisms are discovered and we gain more information about known living organisms.

Enter response for Blank 1 first, then Blank 2.

Blank 1

Zoonotic EK Bacteria

Pick your bacteria: Archae or Eu

Found in earth’s most extreme environments

Can cause disease and help fight disease

Most abundant organism on earth

The most ancient type of living thing

Zoonotic Post Test

Welcome to your Zoonotic Post Test

The gray squirrel, Eastern fox squirrel, and red squirrel are all different species of squirrels. Why is having a scientific name for each species of an organism important?

Certain species of whiptail lizards have only female individuals and no males. These lizards reproduce asexually. What is one disadvantage of asexual reproduction for these lizards?

Three cousins have a similar appearance but different face shapes. Which of these cell components are most involved in determining the basic shape of each girls face?

Mitosis is responsible for the growth and replacement of somatic (body) cells. The end result of mitosis is ______

What process and type of resulting cells is represented in the diagram above?

Wheat was one of the first plant crops that humans domesticated. In the process of domestication, the wild form of wheat was eventually changed into a form more suited to human agricultural practice. Early farmers most likely used seeds only from wheat plants with ____

Tomato plants usually have hairy stems. Hairless stems are present in tomato plants that are homozygous recessive for this trait. If the stem characteristics are determined by a single gene, what is the expected outcome of crossing two tomato plants that are heterozygous for hairy stems?

Albinism is a recessive condition. Which circle graph shows the genotype probability when an albino female mates with a male that is heterozygous for the albinism trait?

A mutation that occurs in the gametes of an organism will most likely be transferred to which of the following?

The arctic fox inhabits northern areas of North America. The same arctic fox is shown in the drawing at different times of the year. What causes this change in fur color?

Zoonotic Pre Test

Welcome to your Zoonotic Pre Test

The caterpillars of monarch butterflies eat milkweed leaves. Milkweed leaves contain sap that is toxic to many animals but not to monarch butterfly caterpillars. This sap makes the monarch butterfly caterpillars toxic to predators and protects them from being eaten. Which of these is an inherited trait of monarch butterfly caterpillars?

Certain species of whiptail lizards have only female individuals and no males. These lizards reproduce asexually. What is one disadvantage of asexual reproduction for these lizards?

Three cousins have a similar appearance but different face shapes. Which of these cell components are most involved in determining the basic shape of each girls face?

Mitosis is responsible for the growth and replacement of somatic (body) cells. The end result of mitosis is ______

What process and type of resulting cells is represented in the diagram above?

Wheat was one of the first plant crops that humans domesticated. In the process of domestication, the wild form of wheat was eventually changed into a form more suited to human agricultural practice. Early farmers most likely used seeds only from wheat plants with ____

Tomato plants usually have hairy stems. Hairless stems are present in tomato plants that are homozygous recessive for this trait. If the stem characteristics are determined by a single gene, what is the expected outcome of crossing two tomato plants that are heterozygous for hairy stems?

Albinism is a recessive condition. Which circle graph shows the genotype probability when an albino female mates with a male that is heterozygous for the albinism trait?

A mutation that occurs in the gametes of an organism will most likely be transferred to which of the following?

The arctic fox inhabits northern areas of North America. The same arctic fox is shown in the drawing at different times of the year. What causes this change in fur color?

Zoonoses Meet a Scientist

Welcome to your Zoonoses Meet a Scientist

Why did he return to Africa after his PhD training in Belgium:

Question 2: What symptom in patients made him realize that this was a "new" disease?

Question 3: Why do zoonotic diseases seem more common these days?

Zoonotic Real Science Review

Welcome to your Zoonotic Real Science Review

Question 1: Viruses contain DNA or RNA, lipids, and some _______.

Question 2: The Covid-19 virus appears to have originated in: pangolins and ____.