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Student Learning Experiences:

The “One Health Student Learning Experiences” partner with middle school enrichment and remediation summer programs to promote problem-based learning by engaging students in a One Health case study. Graduate students from Agriculture, Public Health, and Veterinary Medicine facilitate sessions and provide near-peer mentoring for STEM-related careers.

If your school would like to participate in a Student Learning Experience, contact Torri Whitaker,


Near Peer Role Model Initiative:

The PEER Program provides near-peer mentoring for middle school students by undergraduate, graduate, and professional students who make learning One Health and STEM concepts engaging and student-centered. Through engagement in afterschool programs, classrooms, and camps as well as university enrichment opportunities, middle school students will see educational possibilities and feel encouraged to pursue education and careers in One Health and STEM.

Near-peer mentors build relationships built on trust and respect, which in turn motivates mentees to apply themselves and follow through while increasing student confidence and self-esteem.

If your school would like to partner in the Near Peer Initiative, contact Torri Whitaker,

On Demand One Health Teacher Workshops:

The PEER Program at Texas A&M University offers distance One Health (the interconnection of humans, animals, and the environment) and middle school science/biology curriculum workshops. These teacher professional development opportunities are available in on-demand (asynchronous/self-paced) formats. Workshop participants will earn between 4 and 6 SBEC-approved CPE credits.

The following promotional videos provide additional details about the One Health curriculum and delivery platform.

Preview Video

Navigation Video

To participate in a PEER workshop, create a login profile and use the enrollment key “PEEROneHealth” to get started today!