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Scientist Interviews


Dr. Raymond Loan ​

Born to be a scientist!  Dr. Loan describes his journey from life on a cattle ranch and in a one-room schoolhouse to his current work on Infectious Animal Diseases. This video also includes Dr. Loan’s philosophies on the real-world application of science, science’s contribution to society, and the importance of hard work.


Dr. Tim Phillips

Dr. Tim Phillips discusses how curiosity as a child grew into his love for science and a desire to fix things.  He now uses his chemistry background to solve contemporary problems, focusing on food safety and toxicology.


Dr. John Williams

Growing up, Dr. Williams was unsure what he wanted to do as a career.  But in this interview, he talks about his experiences working with the poultry industry and eventually with computing.

Protein Chemist

Dr. Larry Dangott

“Life is a web” according to Dr. Dangott, and in this interview, he explains the various connections between the subjects he has studied – everything from marine biology, to the way sperm and egg cells communicate, to how blood pressure is controlled by the body.


Dr. Deborah Kochevar

Dr. Kochevar relates how a love of science and interaction with pets first led her to an interest in veterinary medicine.  She also talks about research and the importance of keeping up to date on recent discoveries.


Dr. Garry Adams

Dr. Adams tells how science brought him from his beginnings in a small school to international work in such places as South America and East Africa.  Dr. Adams also describes other experiences – everything from showing sheep to researching pathology of animal diseases.


Dr.Joanne Lupton

Dr. Lupton discusses how her career as a nutritionist has led her to make real-world applications of science.  She works to answer interesting questions such as, “What should astronauts eat in space?” or “Why do people get cancer of the large intestine instead of the small intestine?


Dr. Ron Tjalkens

Listen as Dr. Tjalkens relates his transformation from a San Diego kid who loved to surf, to a Texas A&M professor and Neurotoxicologist. Dr. Tjalkens talks about the early influences of his junior high school classes and nature programs, and discusses his research on Parkinson’s Disease and the effects of poisons on living systems


Dr. Evelyn Castiglioni

From her early experiences with her father who was a science teacher, to her work with Lead and the study of Neurotoxicology, Dr. Tiffany-Castiglioni discusses her influences.  Also included in this interview are some of her opinions about science as one of the few disciplines that offers intellectual freedom!


Dr. Louise Abbott

Dr. Abbott discusses the support she received from parents and teachers in her decision to pursue a career in science.  Hear about the progression of her research from invertebrate biology studies to mammalian brain development and neurological disorders, as well as her views about teaching and communication.


Dr. W. R. (Bill) Klemm

Dr. Klemm talks about overcoming early difficulties to succeed in a career in science.  He also discusses his interest in the brain, as well as his views regarding the importance of curiosity and creativity.

Molecular Endocrinologist

Dr. Nancy Ing

“Life-long student” Dr. Ing talks about her scientific beginning as a 7th grader who got hooked on biology!  Listen as Dr. Ing goes into detail about being observant, how molecules work in an animal’s body, and the importance of working with young people.

Molecular Biologist

Dr. Stephen Safe

Dr. Safe tells about his influences while growing up and attending urban, public and private schools in Canada.  Hear how his college geology and chemistry classes first kindled his interest in science. Dr. Safe also talks about his work in Molecular Biology with a focus on cancer research (drug development, risk factors, gene therapy, and more!).


Ian Tizard

Originally from Ireland, Dr. Tizard shares his interest in wildlife conservation, avian diseases, and vaccine development.  He also discusses specific aspects of his research involving aloe vera, alternate methods of vaccination, and a disease-causing fungus of parrots.


Dr. James Womack

Dr. Womack shares his personal history as he went from an aspiring basketball star to a renown geneticist.  Details of Dr. Womack’s work in comparative genetics is included in this interview.


Dr. John Fackler

Dr. Fackler’s earliest experiences with chemistry were in his basement “lab” of his parent’s house.  Prompted by questions such as “What makes things work?”, Dr. Fackler went on to pursue the studies of metal ions and radioactivity, with a particular interest in gold.


Dr. Vincent Cassone

Dr. Vincent Cassone is quick to encourage future scientists, saying that an intense interest and a willingness to work are just as important as intelligence.  He also discusses his current research with how cellular traits in birds translate into physical and behavioral conditions.

Animal Geneticist

Dr. Bhanu Chowdhary

Dr. Fackler’s earliest experiences with chemistry were in his basement “lab” of his parent’s house.  Prompted by questions such as “What makes things work?”, Dr. Fackler went on to pursue the studies of metal ions and radioactivity, with a particular interest in gold.

Reproductive Physiologist

Dr. Larry Johnson

“How do they know that?”  Dr. Johnson talks about the kinds of questions that interested him in science as a child as well as discusses his current work with rural school students.

Cell Biologist

Dr. Ken Olden

Dr. Olden shares his experiences of growing up in a small, rural, Tennessee school during segregation and his path to his current position.  As past director of NIEHS, he describes the mechanism that NIH uses to direct funding to address environmental health science concerns.  Dr. Olden’s laboratory continues to work on cell surface molecules and their possible roles in cancer.