Zoonotic Diseases Click on any icon to launch the unit of instruction. SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW: Take Zoonotic Diseases Pre-test OVERVIEWBrief description of the module, subject TEKS, NGSS Science and Engineering Practices, and knowledge objectives ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE: CLASSIFICATION - BACTERIATaxonomy | Standardized system for classifying organisms | Domains and kingdoms of the modern taxonomic system ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE: CLASSIFICATION - EUKARYATaxonomy | Standardized system for classifying organisms | Domains and kingdoms of the modern taxonomic system ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE: SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPSDefine symbiosis | Describe commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism | Determine the relationship in organisms ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE: ZOONOTICDISEASESDefine zoonotic diseases | Examples of common zoonoses BACKPACK ADVENTURESScience fiction story built upon factual science concepts MAKE A NOTE OF THATNote-taking guides MEET A SCIENTISTBiography of a research pioneer in the topic area PRACTICEMnemonic tools and digital games REAL SCIENCE REVIEWGuided simulated peer review of published research re-written for readability SCIENTIST VIDEOSVideo presentation from a scientist in topic area TEACHER'S GUIDEA Teacher's guide. SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW: Take Zoonotic Diseases Post-test