Avian nutrition study underway thanks to Harrison’s Bird Foods

A small pandemonium of Schubot members has been busy working on an exciting parrot nutrition study led by postdoctoral research associate, Dr. EV Voltura

Nutrition is a vital component of every animal’s ability to achieve and maintain a healthy state of being. Parrots are no different. Unfortunately, many captive parrots are negatively affected by being fed inappropriate diets.  Research in this area is key to filling in gaps in our understanding of parrot dietary needs and nutrient requirements as they relate to health and thus our ability to improve their lives in captive settings.

We are monitoring Monk Parakeets being fed different diets in a controlled setting over time. Metrics of interest include feed intake, various health parameters (eg, physical exams, blood work, weight, body condition score, cloacal microbiota, fecal grams stains), digital images, and more.

In addition to advancing our understanding of how diet impacts parrot health, this project has been providing undergraduate, graduate, and veterinary students numerous opportunities to gain hands on research experience with parrots. 

We are grateful for support from Harrison’s Bird Foods for making this important project possible.

Dr. EV Voltura, Postdoctoral Research Associate, and Dr. Sharman Hoppes, DVM, DABVP (Avian Practice) conduct a thorough physical examination on a Monk Parakeet at the on-campus aviary.
