Darwin Day Celebration
On March 1st, the Schubot Center actively participated in the Darwin Day celebration, an event organized by the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program and the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Interdisciplinary Student Organization (EEBISO) to honor the birthday of Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary biology. This event aims to offer our community an engaging glimpse into the work of TAMU researchers in biology and ecology through a casual and enjoyable initiative known as “Darwin Day: All Things Biology.“
The Schubot Center hosted an interactive booth with a variety of activities designed to inspire young individuals to engage in bird-related pursuits. This included a bird band bracelet activity, explaining the significance of bird banding in monitoring and researching avian species. Additionally, there was a demonstration titled “Stuffed Animal Bird Flies into the Mist Net” to illustrate the use of this technique in the wild. Dr. Caitlin Mencio and PhD students Amanda Beckman and Adam Bower led the booth, featuring a poster created also by Amanda Beckman showcasing various research and educational activities undertaken by Schubot members both within and outside the United States.

The Darwin Day “All Things Biology” celebration has become a cherished tradition for the EEB program’s community outreach efforts, and it remains a favorite event for many of us.