Countdown to Happiness

As of today there are:

14 days until my last day of classes

21 days until I finish my last final

31 days until I am eligible to order my Aggie Ring = AWHOOP!

40 days until my brother’s wedding!

41 days until I get to move into my new apartment

42 days until I start summer school

As the semester is coming to an end, there is still so much that needs to get done. This is the time where undergraduates have strap on their life vests and get ready for the wave of finals that are about to hit. Though I may be a little dramatic, finals are definitely going to be tough. Sometimes it may feel like you are drowning, as finals are cumulative, but it isn’t that bad. The best advice I can offer for college students is to stay calm and get some sleep. Not sleeping, cramming, and freaking out are some of the worst things that a student can do before finals. Just remember, everything is going to be okay, and it will be over before you know it.

On a different note, something that helps me stay focused and sane during this time is thinking about all upcoming events following our dreaded exams. As you can see from my countdown to happiness, there is so much to be excited for, and it makes it worthwhile, having to work hard to get there. So to all who happen to read this: BTHO finals, and may the curve be ever in your favor!

Life Update

This semester will be my second as a junior in Biomedical Sciences. Classes are going extremely well so far, and I am actually looking forward to my first round of tests that will be coming up next week. As my career as a student furthers, I’ve noticed that test taking becomes less stressful and more of a challenge at which I want to excel. The one thing I try to keep in mind at the beginning of each semester is to start off strong and work hard, as it sets the standard of your work ethic for the rest of the semester.

On a different note, this semester I have begun to volunteer at a local clinic where I am able to assist both the nurses and physicians with the patients. I have also decided to improve my Spanish, as I have realized how important it is to communicate with patients in a language they are more comfortable speaking. I believe improving my Spanish will be both crucial and beneficial in the work place, especially if I want to go into the medical field.

Though school has just started, I am definitely looking forward to the end of the semester, as my oldest brother will be getting married in May, and I will have enough hours to order my AGGIE RING. WHOOP!