5 Tips for Surviving Vet School Finals

By Blake O. ’26, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine student

Finals week is scary. No matter what stage of education you are in, a week of high-value exams is not for the faint of heart.

In vet school, it can understandably be quite daunting with the volume of material you are learning. However, just because finals week is scary doesn’t mean students need to be afraid of it. I have found that with the right mindset and a few key perspective changes, I have learned to survive (and dare I say, even enjoy) finals week.

Here are five of the tips I follow to help me get through finals week each semester.

No.1 – Set Reasonable Goals

Vet school finals are challenging enough! There is no need to set goals that make it even harder. Before the exams start, sit down, grab a calculator, and figure out where you stand. Set your final grade goal and figure out what you need to score to make that grade. The only difference between a 100% and that minimum score is that the 100% is going to require a lot more stress and work on your part.

    No. 2 – Get Into A Routine

    Once the week starts, it’s time to get into your marathon mindset. Come up with a schedule that is sustainable and leaves room for self-care. Set a sleep schedule, mealtimes, and time to relax. Then, protect that time! No matter how stressed you are about studying, you will be better off with a balanced schedule instead of cramming.

    No. 3 – Take It One Day At A Time

    Effective goal setting requires short and long term goals. Finals week is a time to focus on the short-term. While looking ahead is great, don’t let the exam on Friday stress you out all week to the point where Monday through Thursday’s exam grades suffer. I try to dedicate as much of my study time as possible to the immediate next test, and if I feel confident, only then do I start looking ahead.

    No. 4 – Don’t Be Afraid To Switch Your Study Style

    The part about finals week that trips a lot of people up is that you have to switch mental gears much more quickly than usual. So, if you want to avoid the pitfalls of finals, be flexible! This is especially true when it comes to study techniques. Reading radiographs and performing surgery are very different skills, so why would studying for classes like Diagnostic Imaging and Principles of Surgery look the same? If you feel like you are hitting a wall, try a different approach.

    No. 5 – Remember Your Self-Care

    Yes, finals are important. They hold a lot of weight and can even make or break your success in certain classes. But, ultimately, your well-being is more important. In the long run, staying up all night, chugging coffee 24/7, and rewatching every lecture in the entire course will cause more harm than a bad grade on one test. So, don’t hesitate to take breaks when you need it, and don’t feel guilty about studying less than you feel you should.

    Finals week is scary. But it is just a week. It will happen, and then it will be over. So, don’t let stress take control of your life. Hopefully these tips help you. Happy studying!

    Tips For Being Married In Vet School

    By Soha L.’25, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine student

    A young man in a navy blazer and a woman in a white medical coat standing in the shade under a tree.

    If you find yourself taking an alternative route before applying to or starting veterinary school, know that you are not alone! Soon after completing my undergraduate degree in 2019, I got engaged and therefore decided to take a couple of years off from school to work, live life, and get married.

    At the time, I had no idea how much having a spouse during vet school was going to shape my life. If you are lucky enough to be in a committed relationship with someone who is willing to move anywhere with you and help you follow your dreams, then I have some tips for being married in vet school for you!

    Make Time For Each Other

    Always make time to go on dates and spend quality time together that does not revolve around vet school. You will spend more time than you think sharing your experiences with your partner/spouse, and while I’m sure they want to be supportive, it’s considerate to give them a night off and just make time for them.

    Take Your Spouse To Outings With Classmates

    It was a little difficult at first for my husband to make friends with everyone since we talked about school a lot and he couldn’t relate. You will form a family-like bond with your classmates over the years with people that genuinely love you and will be supportive of everything about you. Over time, my classmates and I realized how much we have in common aside from school, and not only did my friendships grow with them but my husband has become much closer with them as well.

    Don’t Forget To Support Them, Too

    Lastly, you will feel like you’re having some of the hardest moments of your life during vet school due to the academic rigor, isolation from friends and family who predate your veterinary school admission, and constant pressure. At the end of the day your spouse is who keeps you smiling through it all. But understand that they are going through hardships too and constantly supporting you, so always give your support back.

    It may seem difficult to prioritize and set aside the time for a partner/spouse during vet school at first, but you quickly realize that this person is going to be there with you every step of the way and be there for you when you need support most. From when you get your acceptance letter, Aggie ring, and white coat, to when you’re feeling burnt out and defeated, your better half will always be there cheering you on.

    Making Time For Ballroom Dancing

    By Hailey D. ’26, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine student

    Two young women in ballroom dancing dresses posing for a photo in a school gym.

    Howdy everyone! My name is Hailey and I am a second-year veterinary student at Texas A&M University. A big hobby that I’ve had since I was a teenager is ballroom dancing. Dancing has been a big part of my life for about 10 years now and has helped me meet new people, learn tons of new dances/moves, and get some good exercise in!

    Both my parents were avid country dancers and taught my brothers and I how to two-step and line dance. This quickly led to me finding a group of friends that went to swing dancing halls and getting more immersed in the culture of dancing and expanding my understanding of all the different styles of dance out there.

    Once I came to Texas A&M University for undergrad, I was able to join the Texas A&M Ballroom Dance Association (TAMBDA) and continue to learn new styles of dancing.

    Within this group, I was able to learn that there are two overarching categories that most dances fall within: smooth and Latin dances. Smooth dances include the waltz and foxtrot, while Latin dances include some of the stronger styles of dance like tango, rumba, and bolero.

    Being involved with this organization led me to compete at different universities in Texas and helped my team place in many different categories of dance!

    While I may not get to compete as often while I am in veterinary school, I still enjoy going to the dance halls with my friends and fiancé to dance the night away and get some exercise in.

    Relaxing in Arizona for Spring Break

    By Maria S., ’26, B.S. in Biomedical Sciences student

    A college student in snowboarding gear posing with their board at the bottom of a snowy slope.

    Taking a break from university life and exams is refreshing every once in a while. This spring break, a step into nature was necessary, so I traveled with friends to Arizona for snowboarding and visiting the Grand Canyon. 

    The week started with a 16-hour road trip, most of those spent crossing Texas. As soon as we entered New Mexico, the landscape changed to hills and gorgeous views. My favorite car activities for entertaining myself during the trip were singing throwback songs, listening to podcasts, talking with my friends, and enjoying the views.

    Snowboarding At Arizona Snowbowl

    At last, we entered Arizona, which was a spectacular moment since we drove on the historic Route 66! It was amazing to feel like I was immersed in the Cars movie. 

    When we arrived at the house we were staying in, we only had two things on our agenda — renting the snowboarding gear and preparing for our hike in the Grand Canyon.

    All my life I have been a skier, but on this trip, I wanted to try something new — snowboarding. I was very nervous, but I decided to give it a try since all of my friends do snowboarding.

    On Wednesday morning, the excitement was unstoppable! We woke up early, grabbed our gear, and headed up to Arizona Snowbowl on Mount Humphreys. However, we were a little concerned about the snow conditions, as we did not see any snow until we were 5 minutes away from the base of the ski resort. The view was breathtaking.

    I took classes to learn how to snowboard for the first time, and after many, many falls, I finally got the hang of it at the end of the day! I was extremely happy because it meant that I would be able to join my friends in the mountains. 

    A group of twelve college students in winter clothes posing in front of the Grand Canyon.

    Visiting The Grand Canyon

    On Thursday, to take a break from snowboarding, we decided to go hiking in the Grand Canyon. I had been there when I was very young, so I barely remembered how incredible the view was.

    In all honesty, I feel like this side visit was the best part of the whole trip. You truly don’t believe your eyes and can’t wrap your head around how beautiful the Grand Canyon is. The pictures don’t do it any justice compared to its beauty in person.

    Standing there in front of the canyon, I realized why it is one of the natural wonders of the world, especially after learning its history and how it was formed. If you ever have the opportunity to visit, even if it’s only for a couple of hours, GO! You won’t regret it.

    For the next couple of days, we continued to head up the mountain and enjoy snowboarding. Any sport involving the snow is so refreshing. They are always a blast because it makes you feel so alive, so I am very glad to have tried snowboarding on this trip.

    Seven college students in snowboarding gear standing in front of a snowy slope with pine trees.

    Making The Most Of My Break

    Although my body ached at the end of each day, it was so much fun to experience going with all of my friends. I still don’t know what I prefer between skiing and snowboarding, but I will say this — if you are looking for thrill and speed, go skiing; however, if you are looking to enjoy the mountain and surf the snow, then snowboarding is for you.

    This spring break was unforgettable. I got to relax from my everyday life and enjoy a week filled with adventure, joy, laughter, and memories with the people I love. Now, more than ever, I am ready to crush the end of the semester and feel motivated for the rest of the year!

    Gearing Up For The Fourth Year Of Veterinary School

    By Elizabeth G. ’25, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Student

    Five young women wearing white physician lab coats standing in a line with their thumbs up.

    In less than two months, the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences’ Doctor of Veterinary Medicine class of 2025 will begin their clinical rotations at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital! This is a very exciting time for third-year veterinary students as we get closer and closer to finishing the classroom portion of the curriculum and start applying our knowledge to real-world situations.

    Last fall, in November of the third year of our DVM studies, we selected which clinical track we wanted to participate in for fourth year, which decides the types of two-week rotations we take during our final year. We were able to choose between small animal, mixed animal, equine, production animal, as well as alternative. I chose the small animal track. 

    Throughout our fourth year we are also allowed time off-campus for externships. Externships are a great way to visit prospective clinics where we may want to apply after graduation or gain unique clinical experiences. For example, I have an interest in small exotics and have decided to visit small animal and exotic animal veterinary clinics for my upcoming externships.

    At the beginning of the spring semester, we received our fourth-year clinical schedules.  It’s an exciting time to find out which rotation will be your first, as well as comparing with friends to see whom you will be working with throughout fourth year. As a part of the spring semester leading up to clinics, we are also enrolled in a course called Clinical Experience. This class allows us to get familiar with the many moving parts of our clinical year so that we’re better prepared when we hit the clinic floor!

    Most recently, on Saturday March 23, the class of 2025 received their white coats, signifying our transition into our clinical year. The ceremony was such a wonderful and happy time as everyone’s loved ones came to cheer us on.

    I’m excited to see what the future holds!

    Studying Abroad In South Africa

    By Priya A. ’24, B.S. in Biomedical Sciences student

    A young woman smiling and kneeling behind a nyala, a type of South African antelope, that is sedated.
    While visiting Dinokeng Game Reserve, we transported five nyala (a type of antelope) from one side of the property to another about 30 minutes away. This is the animal I watched and monitored. The nyala is sedated.

    In June 2023, I studied abroad in South Africa for two-and-a-half weeks through the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences with Dr. James Derr, a professor in the Department of Veterinary Pathobiology. The name of the course was African Wildlife Medicine, and we partnered with South African veterinarians each day to serve their clients. The purpose of the trip was to gain experience working with African wildlife and knowledge in topics that arise with these animals, such as poaching. This course is unique because it includes both undergraduate and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) students.

    In South Africa, lions, rhinos, cape buffalo, elephants, and leopards are some of the most ecologically and economically important animals. We saw and worked with some of these species, as well as others. There were two days in particular that were my favorite — the days we worked with white rhinos and giraffes.

    On our first day, we worked with 11 white rhinos. Some of us rode in a helicopter with a local veterinarian while others took DNA samples, gave sedatives, and microchipped the rhinos, which helps keep track of rhinos since poaching is a major concern in South Africa. We learned how to be a team, which carried us all the way through our two weeks.

    A woman sitting on a large metal trailer that is holding two giraffes wearing anti-stress blindfolds.
    These are the first two giraffes we captured and transported. They are fully awake, but blindfolded and have earplugs to reduce any stress. I’m standing on the trailer that pulled the giraffes.

    Later in the trip, we captured and transported three giraffes in order to help relocate them safely. This was the most physically exhausting day of the entire trip! Each of us had a particular role to ensure that both the giraffes and our team were safe.

    Over the course of our trip, we worked directly with five South African veterinarians and their clients. They challenged us in our critical thinking, clinical, and communication skills. Personally, one of the coolest parts about networking with them was the possibility of getting to return for an externship with them during my fourth year of veterinary school.

    As an undergraduate student, I found this experience beneficial and eye-opening as I applied to veterinary school and thought about what type of veterinary medicine I want to pursue. Those of us who were undergrads had opportunities to ask the current DVM students questions and get advice for the application process. If anyone is wanting to get more diverse veterinary experience for their vet school application, I highly recommend applying for this study abroad experience. You never know what new passions might arise!

    Reading To Avoid Burnout From College

    By Agnes R. ’26, B.S. in Biomedical Sciences student

    Whether you are an undergraduate student on a pre-veterinary track or are already a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) student, you probably have a huge amount of coursework that must also be balanced with other involvements. This may make you feel very overwhelmed and stressed. However, I find that reading is an excellent way to clear your mind, avoid burnout, and allow yourself to breath for more than five minutes. Below are the three latest books I read, which I highly recommend reading!

    The Jungle cover

    The Jungle By Upton Sinclair

    This novel was originally published in 1905 and tells the story of Yurgis, a Lithuanian immigrant, and his family as they arrive in the meatpacking industry of Chicago around the 1920s. At the beginning, you can feel the excitement of the characters. The family later faces hardships, but Yurgis keeps working as hard as he can to give his family the “American Dream.”

    I really enjoyed this book because of how full of emotion it is. The readers were actually so appalled in the early 1900s by the descriptions of the meat packing industry in this book that it led to the creation of the FDA and many of the food safety laws we now have in the United States. I could hardly put this book down, and I hope neither will you, as it immerses you in the difficult world that was the 1920s.

    A Little Life cover

    A Little Life By Hanya Yanagihara

    This 2015 novel follows the story of a group of four friends through college and their professional lives, but especially Jude’s, the quieter and shyer friend. We slowly get insight into his absolutely devastating past as he tries to adjust to both his life in college and his life at work. There is no romanticizing this book; whenever you think Jude and his friends have gotten a break, the other shoe drops.

    This book really makes you think about your own life, and slowly breaks your heart. Out of the three recommendations, I believe this one to be the hardest book to read, but that does not make it any less worth it. This book captivated me and to this day, I still love all the characters I got to know through this novel.

    Everything I Know About Love cover

    Everything I Know About Love By Dolly Alderton

    This memoir published in 2018 follows the author’s life as she went through different relationships in her 20s. We get insights into all her love interests as well as her love for her best friend, Farly. As the book goes on, Dolly’s knowledge about love and about herself changes. Between chapters of personal change, you can also find mac and cheese recipes and sayings that Dolly hates!

    This book truly is a rollercoaster but is also such an easy and quick read. It makes you think while still giving your mind a much-needed break. I loved this book and highly recommend it to anyone going through new experiences.

    I couldn’t recommend these books more. While they sound very different, each one immerses you into the life of a group of remarkable people. Between my class work, volunteering, job shadowing, and other activities, reading has felt like an oasis in the middle of such a stressful life. I hope these recommendations make you want to start reading and create a break in your very full schedule. Avoid burnout by finding peace in reading!

    How Veterinary Medicine Found Me

    By Kathryn W. ’26, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Student

    For many people in the veterinary field, becoming a vet has been their dream since early childhood and their sights have been set on having “DVM” — Doctor of Veterinary Medicine — after their name ever since. However, my path to becoming a veterinarian was a little more unexpected.

    I started my undergraduate degree here at Texas A&M University in the Fall of 2017 with the plan to become a physical therapist. I knew I loved science, medicine, and health, so physical therapy seemed like a great fit. With that in mind, I began working toward my biomedical sciences degree. After completing my freshman year of college, I found myself looking for a summer job to keep me busy and make some money for the upcoming school year, so I took a position as a kennel technician at a veterinary clinic because of my soft spot for animals.

    That summer at the clinic was filled with learning and experiences that I never expected to have, like scrubbing in on surgeries, filling medications, and learning what information can be obtained through diagnostics like bloodwork or a simple ear swab. As the weeks went by, I found myself drawn more and more into the hustle and bustle of the treatment area and getting involved in as much as I could. Before I knew it, I was hooked.

    I had the realization that this field of medicine was fascinating to me, and I felt like I had found a career that really suited me well. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t rushing into things though, so I did my research, talked with veterinarians, and joined the PreVet Society at the university upon my return for my sophomore year. The more I learned about veterinary medicine, the more I was drawn in. I decided my love for veterinary medicine wasn’t just puppy love (see what I did there?) and I dove into all things pre-vet. Fast forward a few years and two degrees, and I’m now wrapping up my second year of veterinary school! My advice for anyone reading this is to say yes to new experiences and opportunities and don’t be afraid to chase your passions, regardless of when you discover them!

    Using Exercise To Avoid Burnout

    By Freya M. ’26, M.S. in Biomedical Engineering

    Exercise equipment including sneakers, weights, and a jump rope against a blue background.

    As a future veterinary student who has already faced burnout during undergrad, I’ve learned that it’s never too early to understand your limits and find time to step away from your academics.

    Throughout undergrad, I always made time in my schedule to go to the gym and relieve stress from studying. After learning that I had a passion for fitness, I was inspired to become a fitness instructor to encourage others to do the same.

    The Student Rec Center at Texas A&M offers group classes in multiple formats to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. Those of us who are fitness instructors often gauge how many participants should be in each class, choose the best location, and consider any feedback participants may provide that would help us improve our classes.

    Every semester, there is a Fitness Instructor Training to recruit new fitness instructors and teach them how to lead a class in the multiple formats we provide. I was fortunate enough to do my training in Fall 2023 and am now teaching kickboxing and dance in Spring 2024.

    When I decided to stay at Texas A&M for my master’s degree, I knew I had more time to pursue my passions and step out of my comfort zone. I started out as a very shy person who wasn’t very vocal when speaking to large groups. When I learned that our classes can have up to 50 participants, I had to work on my public speaking skills to get better at leading classes. Through teaching high-intensity class formats, I have learned how to engage the participants by having high energy and encouraging them to be as enthusiastic about the class as I am.

    Becoming a fitness instructor has taught me to use my voice to help others. I was able to overcome my discomfort with public speaking and now I enjoy teaching others to become comfortable in a group setting as well. Using exercise as a personal outlet to avoid academic burnout has been the best thing I could have done for my physical and mental health. I cannot recommend enough using the campus rec center’s fitness classes or just going with a friend when you need a study break.

    Maintaining a Seasonal Job While in Veterinary School

    By Sarina M. ’26, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Student

    A nighttime photo of a woman driving a horse-drawn wagon at a Christmas theme park.

    Two years before getting admitted to veterinary school, I became interested in a rather unconventional job opportunity: being a horse carriage driver at Santa’s Wonderland. Santa’s Wonderland is a Texas-themed Christmas amusement park that brings hundreds of thousands of people from all over the state to College Station to experience good food and millions of Christmas lights. Within the park, they have a mile-and-a-half-long “Trail of Lights” that visitors can see either with a tractor-pulled hayride or a private horse and carriage.

    Before hearing about this opportunity, I had no experience with draft horses, much less any knowledge of how to drive a team of them. I devoted hours to learning how to properly harness and hook up a pair of horses to a carriage or wagon and how to drive them safely. I had only ever ridden horses before, but I soon fell in love with this new experience.

    Thanks to working at Santa’s Wonderland, I was able to handle many different breeds of draft horses, including Percherons, Clydesdales, Belgians, and Haflingers. This was my first hands-on exposure to any of these breeds and it opened my eyes to how different these huge horses can be from standard riding horse breeds, like quarter horses. Handling and controlling two horses at one time were also brand new experiences that I found challenging in the beginning.

    This past winter marked my fourth season driving horse carriages and showing visitors the “Trail of Lights” at Santa’s Wonderland. Now, two years into veterinary school, it is harder to carve out the time to work around classes and studying; however my biggest motivation is the excitement I have developed for the job that now truly feels like a passion.

    A young woman practicing how to drive a team of white horses.

    Learning to drive a draft horse team also opened the door for other opportunities I would have never thought I’d have. For the past three years, I have been able to drive a horse and wagon in the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Parade in downtown Houston. In 2023, I was even the driver for that year’s Grand Marshal, leading the parade and being able to meet Leon Coffee, a rodeo clown and bullfighter who is famous for his contributions to the rodeo industry.

    Many people think that veterinary students aren’t able to maintain the hobbies and interests they had as undergrads, but striving for a healthy school-life balance has afforded me many unique opportunities, a means of income, and has even allowed me to develop new passions that I will take with me even after I leave Texas A&M.