Canine Chronic Pancreatitis

Treatment of Canine Chronic Pancreatitis

We are currently enrolling dogs with chronic pancreatitis in a study that aims to investigate the efficacy of prednisolone and cyclosporine as treatments for dogs with chronic pancreatitis.

Patient Eligibility

  • Dogs of any age, breed, or sex are eligible for enrollment.
  • Dogs that are diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis for more than 2 weeks based on clinical evaluation (i.e., medical history, physical examination, and serum canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity >400 μg/L).
  • Dogs must not have undergone a diet change in the two weeks prior to enrollment and they must not have a history of medication that might be causing pancreatitis.

Duration of the Study

The study duration will be 3 to 5 weeks. During the study, dogs need to be evaluated by a veterinarian three times; once before the treatment is started, a second time after 10 days of treatment, and once after three weeks (21 days) of treatment.

Required Samples

  • 1 EDTA blood sample (1mL)
  • 1 fasted serum sample (at least 2 mL)

Client Incentives

Eligible patients will receive prednisolone and cyclosporine for three weeks of the study at no charge.

For patients with ALL completed forms (1. Owner questionnaire, 2. Veterinarian questionnaire, 3. Clinical activity index score, 4. Informed owner consent form), we offer the following tests up to 3 times for each patient (before starting treatment and 2 rechecks during the treatment).

  • Serum concentrations of cobalamin, folate, canine Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity (TLI), and canine Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity (PLI)
  • All shipping costs related to sending samples to our laboratory


Final enrollment is based on clinical signs of chronic pancreatitis and serum canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (PLI) concentration.

Please email Dr. Sue Yee Lim at for further details.