AVMA Council on Education Accreditation Site Visit

During the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Council on Education (COE) accreditation site visit exit interview with Dr. Kenita Rogers and Dr. Eleanor Green, the accreditation team went through their list of comments. As expected, they found some items the CVM needs to fix, but all are fixable. It’s unlikely there will be challenging substantial compliance issues.
First, they commented on the CVM’s very strong positive learning and working environment and complimented our faculty, staff, and students. They also noted our robust research program and success in engaging students in research. Green will share the final document when the CVM receives it, but for now here are a few commendations. The accreditation team commended the CVM on:
- A robust educational opportunity at Houston SPCA
- Veterinary Emergency Team
- Diversity and an inclusive environment
- Professional development opportunities in leadership for faculty and staff, including mediation training
- Outcomes assessment initiatives (which was noted as a weakness during the last visit), and Center for Education Technologies support in curricular review process
After the exit interview, President Michael Young, Provost Karan Watson, and Vice President Christine Stanley congratulated the CVM on this positive review. President Young was was very complimentary and is very proud of his first veterinary college.
Thanks all who contributed to this successful COE site accreditation team visit, including those who helped with logistics, put together the demonstrations for Sunday evening, met with the team, helped with tours, made the CVM spotless, helped prepare the document, and all the other activities over the last few months necessary for this once-every-seven-years event.
Most importantly, thanks to each and every one of you for making our CVM what it is each and every day. This is a special place—constantly stretching the boundaries of excellence in an inclusive, collaborative environment. Six trained external reviewers and two observers saw that at the site visit.