Delegation from Taiwanese University Visits CVM

A delegation from National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) in Taiwan visited Texas A&M University Sept. 17-18 to talk with administrators and learn more about the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM), Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and College of Engineering.
Led by NCHU vice president Dr. Chang-Hsien Yang, the group discussed further scholarly collaborations in veterinary education and research between NCHU and TAMU. They also met with all of the CVM’s department heads to exchange ideas on potential collaborations, and were led by Drs. Joerg Steiner and Clay Ashley in tours of the CVM’s Small and Large Animal Hospitals.
NCHU attendees included Drs. Chi-Chung Chou, dean of Research & Development and former dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine; Fuh-Jyh Jan, dean of the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; Gou-Jen Wang, dean of the College of Engineering; and Chen-Fa Wu, chairperson of the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources’ Department of Horticulture.
At the CVM, the delegation was hosted by executive associate dean Kenita Rogers, director of international programs Linda Logan, director of Veterinary Medical Park Clay Ashley, and Small Animal Clinical Sciences (VSCS) associate professor Jan Suchodoiski.
Situated in central Taiwan, NCHU is the second largest public university in the state. With 100 years of history, it carries a great international reputation in agriculture and veterinary medicine.
The NCHU CVM invited three Texas A&M CVM faculty members to be visiting professors for short-term teaching to their veterinary students and continuing education for the local veterinarians.
Drs. Christine Budke and James Cai, from the CVM’s Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences (VIBS), and Jill Heatley, from the VSCS department, will be the first three visiting professors to NCHU next year; they also met with NCHU delegates.
Chou has known Dr. Eleanor Green, the Carl B. King Dean of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M, since he was pursuing his doctorate in Florida in the 1990s; this is his third trip visiting the Texas A&M CVM.
“As we further develop our international programs, Dr. Chou warmly expressed his willingness to assist and bridge our college to other veterinary colleges in southeast Asia,” Logan said.
Those interested in learning more about visiting professor opportunities at National Chung Hsing University should contact Dr. Gladys Ko at