News Briefs

CVM GSA Wins Adair Student Organization of the Year

The Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) Graduate Student Association (GSA) has been awarded the 2018-2019 Adair Student Organization of the Year Award by the Texas A&M Department of Student Activities. The award recognizes a student organization that has made a positive impact on its members, leaders, and Texas A&M University. […]

Bornean Veterinarians Tour CVM Hospitals, Classrooms

Guests from the Cameron Park Zoo in Waco and the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) visited Texas A&M on April 18 to see the advanced technologies and facilities at the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM). The visitors included Cameron Park Zoo staff veterinarian James Kusmierczyk, Cameron Park Zoo veterinary technician Amanda Suenkel, […]

PEER Veterinary Student Fellows Promote STEM in Local, Rural School

Written by Amina Karedia, 2019 PEER Summer Student Fellow On May 17, PEER Veterinary Student Fellows Danielle Vaden Anderson, Amina Karedia, and Noor Faisal promoted STEM content and careers in a local, rural school. The second-year veterinary students presented the topic of “Snakes & Snake Bites” to over 130 fourth graders from five different classes at […]

PEER Hosts Annual State FFA Veterinary Science Career Development Event

On May 4, the Texas A&M PEER Program, in cooperation with the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (CVM), hosted the eighth annual State FFA Veterinary Science Career Development Event (CDE). Dr. Glennon Mays, CVM director of recruiting and student services, welcomed FFA students and highlighted the many veterinary-related careers. Students participating […]

Rusyn Awarded Inaugural University Professorship, Recognizes Toxicology Pioneer As Namesake

Dr. Ivan Rusyn, a professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences’ (CVM) Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences (VIBS), is one of Texas A&M University’s first five faculty members to be bestowed the title of University Professor. The designation of “University Professor” recognizes faculty who have demonstrated significant and sustained accomplishments in their […]

BIMS Students Promote STEM By Sharing Experiences

Written by Kristen Watts & Erin Valdez, undergraduate fellows in PEER program “What do you want to be when you grow up?” This is the age-old question every student is asked, even though many don’t know the answer. Life after high school is a scary topic, which is why the Texas A&M University College of […]

Large Animal Clinical Sciences Welcomes New Food Animal Practitioner

Dr. Dusty Nagy has joined the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences’ (CVM) Large Animal Clinical Sciences (VLCS) Department as a clinical associate professor in food animal medicine and surgery. Nagy graduated from the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine with her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and from the University of […]

Faculty, Students Recognized At Annual Awards Ceremony

The 2019 Honors & Awards Ceremony on April 5 recognized 63 Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) students and faculty members for their teaching, research, and academic excellence. Award recipients, family, and friends gathered in VENI Building Lecture Hall 107B to celebrate the achievements of the award recipients. After a welcome […]

CVM Celebrates Staff Appreciation Week

The Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) celebrated Staff Appreciation Week April 22-26 with daily events and prizes. “Staff Appreciation Week gives the opportunity to express gratitude during an entire week in many different ways,” said Dr. Eleanor M. Green, the Carl B. King Dean of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M. […]

CVM Explores Innovation During Third VIS

The Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) welcomed more than 450 guests on April 5-7 for the third annual Veterinary Innovation Summit (VIS). Attendees from seven countries—including Australia, Canada, Chad, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.—came to Texas A&M to celebrate the profession as it forges ahead in […]

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