Pet Talk

Apartments and Pets

When living or moving into an apartment, it may be tempting to get a playful, furry friend as a roommate. However, not all cats and dogs are fit to live in an apartment. Dr. Stacy Eckman, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, explained what pet owners should […]

Protect Fido with a Dog House

If you recently adopted or purchased a new furry family member, it is important to provide a dog house for your pet. Whether your new dog will stay primarily outside or regularly cuddle with you on the couch, a dog house is essential for your pet’s protection outdoors. Dr. Sarah Griffin, lecturer at the Texas […]

Horse Farriers Play an Important Role in Horse Health

Though some may consider a horseshoe a symbol of luck, many horse owners depend on horseshoes to help keep their horse’s hooves healthy. In turn, healthy horse hooves can result in a happy and performance-ready horse. The skilled tradesman that make horse shoes and apply them to horses’ hooves are called farriers. Jason Maki, farrier […]

Examining Your Pets Stool

Whether you are a cat or dog owner, knowing what is considered normal or healthy stool for your pet is important. Abnormalities of your pet’s stool could be a sign of something more serious. Dr. Jonathan Lidbury, assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, said regularly looking at your […]

Proper Pet Hygiene

Like humans, pets can experience skin conditions that may cause redness, itchiness, odor, and even wounds. Fortunately, many skin conditions can be prevented with routine bathing and grooming. Dr. Alison Diesel, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, explained the importance of pet hygiene for both dogs and […]

Make it a New Years Resolution to Microchip your Pet

If your new year includes adding a furry friend to your family, consider microchipping your new pet to help locate them if they ever get lost. Dr. James Barr, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, said microchipping is one of the newest ways to locate and identify […]

Obedience Training for Dogs

If you’ve recently added a puppy or dog to your family, consider obedience training to help build a healthy relationship between you and your pet. Though training your dog requires patience and commitment, the positive benefits of obedience training are worth it. Kit , Infection Control Coordinator for the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine […]

Is Giving Pets as Gifts really a PAWS-itive idea?

Giving an adorable puppy or kitten as a gift this holiday season may seem like a wonderful idea, but it is important to remember that pets need a lifetime of care and commitment long after the holiday season. Surprising your family with a new fuzzy friend on that special holiday morning is tempting, but be […]

Safe Holiday Snacking for your Pet

Many people spread holiday cheer through tasty treats, warm beverages, and feasts, but this type of celebration may not be fit for Fido. In fact, many “people foods” can cause health problems in pets. Dr. Christine Rutter, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, explained what foods are […]

Preparing your Pet for Cold Weather

As the temperature outside drops, people begin wearing heavier coats. But how do pets prepare for cold weather? Animals rely on their owners to provide shelter, food, water, and warm blankets during the winter months. Dr. Sarah Griffin, lecturer at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, explained how pet owners can […]

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