Pet Talk

Building the Ideal Dog House

For many centuries dogs have been referred to as “man’s best friend”. Many of us consider our dogs a part of the family and would do anything to protect them. Whether your dog stays primarily outside or takes regular naps on your bed, a dog house is essential for your pet’s protection outdoors. Providing a […]

Diets for Pets with Liver Disease

Have you ever been in a restaurant and noticed a strange dish on the menu? You may have seen the word “liver” and cringed with disgust. Though there are many benefits in consuming liver, it is not a common meal that you might serve during family fun night. You may find this part of the […]

Protecting Your Pets from Killer Bees

Many of us remember our first experience with bees, and it’s usually not positive. You may have been the curious kid who got a little too close to the bee hive, or you may have been the innocent victim who was stung completely by surprise. No matter the situation, the afternoon was spent running and […]

Snakes as Pets

Between the puppy lovers, the cat enthusiasts and the furry rodent fans, a whole different category of pet owners exist: reptile lovers. From turtles to geckos, lizards to snakes, taking care of any reptile is a unique experience. With many safe breeds to choose from, snakes are a popular choice for those who are interested […]

4th of July Safety for Your Pets

Many of us celebrate our nation’s Independence Day barbequing and relaxing with loved ones. When the sun goes down, it is a tradition gather together to admire and enjoy the bright-colored flashes of fireworks that light up our night sky. You might not think twice about taking the necessary precautions to have a safe and […]

Chagas Disease in Dogs

Many of our furry four-legged friends love to bask in the sun or wrestle with other dogs in the soft green grass. As owners, we know how essential outdoor exercise is for our dogs, especially certain breeds. It would be comforting to believe our pets are completely safe while enjoying the outdoors, but this is […]

West Nile Virus Vaccine in Horses

The image of a cowboy riding off into the sunset on a palomino pony after a long hard day of rescuing a damsel in distress has reached the point of a cliché. A cowboy’s partner will forever be his trusty horse, and as long as his horse is healthy, he can continue riding off into […]

Benefits of Interacting with Cats

We’ve all heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” But have you ever considered interacting with your pet as another way to prevent doctor visits? Many people are experiencing the social and health benefits of interacting with their four-legged cat and dog friends. The proof is not only evident in happy […]

Allergies in Pets

Many of us look forward to the warm spring weather after enduring the harsh winter months. The spring season brings peaceful fields of blooming flowers and a warm, inviting sun. Unfortunately, spring is also a time when many people suffer from allergies that can make daily life almost intolerable. Just like people, pets can suffer […]

Keeping Fido Safe in the Summer Heat

Many people take advantage of May’s warm weather by making resolutions to get themselves and their pets in shape for summer. However, when participating in outdoor activities like walking or running during these high temperatures, extra precautions need to be taken to ensure your pet’s safety in the summer heat. Dr. Mark Stickney, clinical associate professor […]

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