Pet Talk

Nutrition for the Holidays—A Time to Stuff Your Stockings, Not Your Pet

The holiday season is one filled with gleeful celebrations among friends and family. Often, these celebrations entail large holiday meals, festive desserts and snacks, and enough leftovers for a month’s worth of sandwiches. While we try to be cautious of our own health and nutrition throughout the holiday season, it is just as important that […]

A Bed for Fluffy and Fido

Just as we desire to curl up in bed after a long day at work, our pets enjoy a comfortable place to rest from an afternoon of guarding the house or chasing squirrels in the backyard. With so many types of elaborate bedding to choose from, selecting the right one for Fluffy and Fido can […]

Finding Nemo (The Perfect Home)

Though they may not be fun to play fetch with in the front yard, and can’t curl up with you on the couch after a long day, a fish can still make a wonderful andunique pet. Fairly easy to care for and pleasing to the eye, there are various species that will make a perfect […]

Feline Calicivirus—Not Your Common Cold

Feline calicivirus, or FCV, is a viral infection causing severe upper respiratory problems in cats. Entering through the cat’s eyes, nose, or mouth, this virus possesses symptoms similar to that of a common cold. As loving cat owners, it is important to be well informed of the causes, symptoms, and prevention of this fast-spreading infection […]

Pets That Don’t Need a Halloween Costume

As you maneuver through the aisles of elaborate costumes at your nearest Halloween store, you are bound to come across various costumes for your furry friend. A pumpkin for your pug, a hat for your black cat, or a hot dog for your Dachshund—there are numerous Halloween costumes that include your pets in the spooky […]

Howl-Oween Safety

Cobweb covered doorways, porches lined with glowing pumpkins, and miniature visitors draped in white sheets can only mean one thing: Halloween is right around the corner. With the holiday rapidly approaching, it is time to start planning your favorite traditions. In addition to the pumpkin carving and costume parties, keeping your pets safe during Halloween […]

Pet Vaccinations

Vaccinations are a critical component to the preventive care of your companion animal. Your health, as well as your pet’s, depends on it. While this may seem like common knowledge to some, the topic of pet vaccination can be quite controversial, making it a hot topic in veterinary medicine today. Most veterinary professionals agree that […]

A Friendship That Requires No Sound

Man’s best friend is a term with no discrimination. Whether your dog is large or petite, obedient or a little rebellious, you love them just the same. The unparalleled companionship between a human and their deaf dog is no exception. It is a popular yet wildly misguided rumor that deaf dogs are unable to be […]

A Perfect Companion for the Elderly

The power of pet therapy is thought to be stronger than any medication, not only for people going through tough times or in poor health, but also for the elderly as well. Proven to increase mental alertness, build self-esteem, and decrease loneliness, pets can provide a warm and fulfilling relationship that older people-or indeed all […]

Dog Parks

Whether you have fond memories of playing tag with your classmates, or sharing secrets with your best friend on the swing set, most would agree that parks can be an integral part of their childhoods. This can also be true for your pooch.  But just as our parents took precautions when letting us run wild […]

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