Pet Talk

Understanding and Overcoming Your Pet’s Fears

While many of us would like to believe our little puppy has no fear, the truth is that there are many things a pet willexperience that may frighten it at first as it attempts to understand more. “Pets can be fearful of all types of things,” says Dr. Mark Stickney, Clinical Associate Professor at the […]

The Itch That Keeps on Itching: Fleas and our Pets

Of all the joys spring offers us, one of the most troublesome things about this time of year is the increase of insects on our furry friends. Of all these creepy pests, adult fleas cause the most problems for our pets and the owners intent on controlling them. In order to become adults, fleas need warm […]

Bringing Home Your First Rodent

While many may not find a rodent as a first choice for a pet, with some insight and guidance you may be more receptive to the idea of a small hamster or rat becoming a suitable pet for your family. “Rats are probably the most social and interactive of the small rodents,” said Dr. Sharman […]

Potty Training Your New Pet

The day your new puppy first sees its new home is a special day for any new pet owner. Playing with them, caring for them, and watching them explore every room of their new home is heartwarming and fun. Regrettably, many people forget that cleaning up your little bundle of fur’s mess in your home […]

Mange and Your Dog

We love for our pets to play outdoors with their friends, but owners should be cautious about the dangers that lurk there. You’ve probably heard the term “mangy mutt” referring to a poor dog with a ratty, patchy coat. That’s actually how dogs with sarcoptic mange really look. Mange is a condition caused by an […]

Pet Dental Health

We all know that our dental health is important. We even visit our dentist regularly to have teeth cleanings and oral exams. Keeping our teeth clean is vital to our health and well-being, and that is no different for our pets. “Ideally, you should brush your pet’s teeth daily,” states Dr. Johnathon Dodd, clinical professor […]

Pet Heart Health and Heartworms

The heart is a complex organ and it is important for pet owners to be aware of the diseases it can develop, such as heartworms. Pet owners should be aware of the signs and symptoms of heartworms so that they can provide their pet with the best possible care. “Humid spring and summer days may […]

Pesticides and Your Pet

While spring is a time to plant beautiful flowers in your yard, it also brings pesky insects out in numbers. Because of this, a potential hazard this time of year for pets is pesticides. “Before choosing a pesticide read the label to ensure it is safe for your pet,” said Michael Golding, assistant professor at […]

First Aid for Pets

When a friend or significant other gets hurt we generally have a good idea of how to take care of them, but what do you do when your pet is in an emergency?  Unfortunately, most pet owners do not prepare themselves for these tragic incidents until it is too late. “It is absolutely necessary to […]

Vaccinating Your Pet

Even though they may be taken for granted, pet vaccinations are vital for your pet’s health. Properly vaccinating your pet is an important part of pet care because vaccines can potentially help protect your pet against some serious health conditions and diseases. “Vaccines are a suspension of altered microorganisms which will prevent, lessen, or treat […]

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