Pet Talk
The Seriousness of Stomach Aches
It may seem like Sparky has a cast-iron stomach, but even he could be susceptible to “bloat.” The technical term is gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), an extremely serious condition in dogs that can result in death. “Gastric dilatation-volvulus, also known as ‘bloat’, primarily occurs in deep-chested, large breed dogs,” said Dr. Michael Willard, professor at Texas […]
Horse Foaling
Newborns evoke a smile and the birth of a foal is no different. Horse owners greatly anticipate the birth of a foal and are wise to prepare the mare for the birth. “On average, a mare is pregnant 340 days before giving birth,” notes Dr. Glennon Mays, clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College […]
The Dawn of Spring Allergies
As the trees start to pollinate, the spring season starts to dawn and so do those pesky allergies. A time to put the winter cold past us and a look to the brighter days are not so bright for those with allergies. Many pets are affected by spring allergies and it is important to be […]
Assistance Dogs: Offering a New Sense of Freedom
Imagine not being able to open a door, not being able to pick up items that fall to the ground, or not hearing an intruder enter your home. Many individuals with disabilities live with those concerns on a daily basis. Fortunately, assistance dogs have been incorporated into their lives so they can receive help in […]
Horse Dental Care (February is National Dental Month)
February is National Pet Dental Health Month. As with humans, horses benefit from having good oral hygiene and dental care. Dental disease can lead to pain, tooth loss and infection in other organs when bacteria from infected teeth and gums enter the blood stream and circulate throughout the body. “Regular dental care is important to […]
Love For Pet’s Heart
February definitely has heart. It’s the month we celebrate National Heart Awareness and Valentine’s Day. For those reasons, February is a good reminder for owners to learn more about pet heart disease so that their pets can live a long, happy, and healthy life. Cats and dogs may be born with a congenital heart condition, […]
What To Know Before Visiting A Dog Park
The concept behind public dog parks is an exciting one for dogs and owners alike, where fresh air and playfulness are plentiful. Because public dog parks are accessible by anyone, each trip proves to be a different experience, hosting a range of different interactions for a pet. Visiting a park is a social activity, and […]
Cold Weather Colic in Horses
Cold winds and changing winter weather may not seem like contributing factors for equine colic. However, these conditions can foster changes in routine and eating habits that may affect the well being of your horse. “A common winter time equine health concern is colic,” notes Dr. Glennon Mays, clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M […]
Year of the Veterinarian
Veterinary medicine as a profession was born 250 years ago with the founding of the first school of veterinary medicine in Lyon, France. The World Veterinary Association, along with other leading veterinary organizations, have designated 2011 as the “Year of the Veterinarian”, and the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences is taking […]
Protecting Pets from Winter Cold
There are many precautions people take when the cold weather rushes in for the winter. Pets can also be heavily affected by the drop in temperatures and so it is important to take note of the ways you can protect them from the cold. Prior to the first freeze, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian […]