Pet Talk
Recognizing Compulsive Disorders In Dogs And Cats
Pet owners may think it is adorable when their dog chases its tail or their cat suckles for comfort. But when these activities are persistent to the point that it disrupts their daily routines, it may be a sign that your pet has a more serious issue. In humans, obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCDs) are developed when […]
Offering Spoiled Food Is No Way To Spoil Your Pet
People may choose to eat foods past their expiration date, as long as the food looks and smells good, but that doesn’t mean this practice is safe for pet food. Ensuring pet food is suitable to eat is the first step to preventing your dog or cat from becoming ill. Dr. Katie Tolbert, a clinical […]
Helping Horses With Equine Asthma Breathe Easier
Although asthma symptoms generally worsen in the winter for horses because of the cold, dry air, summer weather can also “stirrup” trouble for horses with a specific form of asthma — summer pasture associated asthma. “Equine asthma — also known as inflammatory airway disease (IAD), recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), or ‘heaves’ — is a common […]
Helping Livestock Beat The Heat This Summer
The best place to be when the sweltering summer weather arrives is inside with air conditioning, yet livestock outside of air-conditioned barns often need other ways to beat the heat. Dr. Isabelle Louge, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, says that while all livestock can cool […]
Focusing In On Canine Dry Eye
If a dog’s eyesight declines, they may not make noticeable visual mistakes or show signs of discomfort since they primarily rely on smell to navigate the world. Because of this, pet owners need to keep a watchful eye out for common canine ocular diseases, such as dry eye. An extremely uncomfortable disease, canine dry eye […]
Protecting Dogs Against Outbreaks Of Respiratory Disease
Dog owners are likely familiar with the respiratory disease commonly known as kennel cough; while most cases have been historically mild, a more severe form of the infection is on the rise. Because kennel cough is actually an infectious respiratory disease complex that easily spreads among dogs, Dr. Kathleen Aicher, an assistant professor at the […]
The Puppy Timeline: A Socialization Guide
Socializing is important for raising puppies into emotionally healthy dogs, just as caring for a puppy’s growing needs is important to physical and mental health. In order to have a well-adjusted and social dog, owners should provide training specific to each stage of a puppy’s development. Harmony Diers, a veterinary technician at the Texas A&M […]
The Puppy Timeline: Physical And Mental Changes
Raising adorable puppies can be as challenging as it is exciting, especially because of the speed at which they are developing, both physically and mentally. So, knowing the general timeline of their growth can help owners prepare to meet a puppy’s evolving needs. Harmony Diers, a veterinary technician at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary […]
Fulfilling The Unique Needs Of Donkeys
Owning any animal can be both challenging and rewarding. Although they have a reputation for being stubborn, donkeys can make great additions to an animal herd. But owners should first understand what it takes to keep them healthy before buying one. Dr. Isabelle Louge, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary […]
Prioritizing Health And Comfort For Show Animals
Throughout the year, youth across the country prepare and travel to various events, such as livestock shows, rodeos, and fairs, to show their animals. Because an animal’s performance at an event can be impacted if they are stressed or sick, Dr. Kevin Washburn, a professor of large animal internal medicine at the Texas A&M School […]