Livestock Physiology Specialist Thomas Welsh Named Regents Professor

Story by Rachel Knight, VMBS Communications

Dr. Thomas Welsh
Texas A&M University System Regents Professor Dr. Thomas Welsh

Dr. Thomas Welsh, a jointly appointed professor in the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, was named a Regents Professor, an honor given to just 306 Texas A&M University System faculty members since the award was established in 1996. 

“In his 40 years of service to Texas A&M University, Dr. Welsh has made considerable contributions to the education of our students while conducting research that continues to shape the future of animal and human health,” said Dr. John August, the Carl B. King Dean of Veterinary Medicine. “The Regents Professor award is a well-deserved honor.”

Welsh joined the faculty at Texas A&M in 1983 and has supported education, research, and scholarship at the university for four decades. 

“What makes Tom special, in addition to having distinguished himself locally, state-wide, nationally, and internationally, is the ability to appreciate and meld (teaching, research, and service) together, realizing that one area does not, and should not exist in a vacuum,” one of Welsh’s nominators said. “Through his teaching, research, and service, he has impacted the lives of students as well as graduate students that have pursued successful independent careers and lives.”

Welsh researches how stress and temperament are linked to reproductive, metabolic, and immune functions in his Endocrine Physiology Laboratory. He also teaches courses in livestock growth and development and in the physiology of livestock growth and stress. 

The annual selection process for the Regents Professors awards begin when Chancellor John Sharp makes a call for nominations, which are subject to Texas A&M System-level review. The review process includes input from academic vice chancellors, past recipients of the awards, and the chief executive officer of each respective entity. The final phase of the selection process concludes with approval from Sharp and the Texas A&M System Board of Regents. 

“From research to service, these individuals’ accomplishments over the last year exemplify the A&M System’s commitment to finding solutions and serving Texas,” said Bill Mahomes, chairman of Texas A&M System Board of Regents. “I hope their example will inspire others.”


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Contact Information: Jennifer Gauntt, Director of VMBS Communications, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences,, 979-862-4216

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