A Guide To Litter Box Etiquette
The first stop after getting a new cat is usually the pet store for food, toys, and furniture, with a litter box being a top priority. You may not give much attention to the box itself or the cleaning etiquette it takes to care for them, but there can be messy consequences if cats are […]
Creating A Disaster Preparedness Plan For Your Pets
Recently, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced a wildfire disaster declaration for about 75% of the state’s counties and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also released an updated hurricane season outlook that includes a 70% chance of 14-21 named storms before the season ends in November. With these potential weather threats in mind, now is […]
Knowing Requirements For Your Pet’s Rabies Vaccination
Routine vaccinations are an essential part of your pet’s veterinary care, and veterinarians typically guide owners on how often your pet needs which shots. In the case of rabies, however, owners may be asked by their veterinarian if they prefer a vaccine that lasts one year or three years. “The differences between one-year and three-year […]
Spotting The Difference Between Urine Marking And Urinary Problems
Once pets have learned to urinate where it is appropriate, whether it is outdoors or in their litter box, it can be frustrating for owners when their pet urinates elsewhere in the house. While your first instinct may be to reprimand them for the unwanted behavior, you should first consider if they are simply marking […]
Managing Compulsive Disorders In Dogs And Cats
Dogs and cats who cannot be distracted from an activity, such as biting or chasing imaginary objects, may be experiencing a compulsive disorder, especially when their behavior prevents them from maintaining their daily routine. Because compulsive disorders are a sign of mental stress and can escalate to physical harm if left untreated, owners should learn […]
Recognizing Compulsive Disorders In Dogs And Cats
Pet owners may think it is adorable when their dog chases its tail or their cat suckles for comfort. But when these activities are persistent to the point that it disrupts their daily routines, it may be a sign that your pet has a more serious issue. In humans, obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCDs) are developed when […]
Offering Spoiled Food Is No Way To Spoil Your Pet
People may choose to eat foods past their expiration date, as long as the food looks and smells good, but that doesn’t mean this practice is safe for pet food. Ensuring pet food is suitable to eat is the first step to preventing your dog or cat from becoming ill. Dr. Katie Tolbert, a clinical […]
Texas A&M Veterinary Specialists Collaborate On Rare Heart Procedure To Save Young Tabby Cat
At only 5 months old, Whiskey the kitten was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, a condition with potentially deadly consequences. But thanks to committed owners and a talented veterinary team willing to try a procedure in a way never done at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences’ (VMBS) Small Animal Teaching […]
The Value Of Heartworm Prevention
April is recognized as National Heartworm Awareness Month as a reminder to protect our furry friends against heartworm disease before mosquito season peaks during the summer. To understand the importance of preventing heartworm disease, pet owners should first understand how heartworms grow and are detected. Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes that have bitten a heartworm-infected […]
The Importance Of Feline Vaccinations
Kittens and cats, whether they live indoors or outdoors, can be exposed to diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. Vaccinations help protect our feline friends by preventing the spread of these diseases and boosting their body’s defense against potentially fatal illnesses. Because of this, Dr. Lori Teller, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M […]