Exploring Physical Rehabilitation For Dogs

When dogs have an injury or chronic condition, such as arthritis, physical rehabilitation can ease their pain and improve their strength and flexibility. “There are a number of situations where dogs could benefit from physical rehabilitation, but the common reason is to improve recovery following surgery, usually orthopedic surgery — or surgery on bones and […]

Rescued Puppy Finds Forever Home With Veterinary Hospital Administrator

While on a walk at Lake Bryan, a couple’s dog encountered a box and became excited after smelling something inside. Curious to see what was causing their dog to react, to their surprise, they found a puppy inside the box. Immediately, the couple brought the puppy, who would soon be known as Gertie, to Texas […]

Spring Vaccinations For Dogs

Spring’s warmer weather signals the time for more outdoor adventures, especially for dogs who tend to be curious while outside. It also signals a time when owners should begin thinking about protecting their dogs from outdoor dangers by vaccinating them. Dr. Lori Teller, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine […]

Understanding And Resolving Lower UTIs In Cats and Dogs

For pets with urinary tract infections (UTIs), an everyday task like peeing can be uncomfortable and possibly painful. Since UTIs are common in cats and dogs, owners should understand the cause and symptoms of UTIs as well as how to resolve them with veterinary guidance. Dr. Johanna Heseltine, a clinical associate professor at the Texas […]

Texas A&M Veterinarians Diagnose, Repair Rare Condition In DVM Student’s Yorkshire Terrier

Danielle and Axel Villa’s relationship began with love at first sight.  Danielle was visiting a park in her hometown of San Antonio that was hosting an expo for dogs. When she came across a litter of 10 Yorkshire Terrier puppies, the runt of the litter caught her eye. She noticed he was alone in a […]

Exploring Treatment Options For Osteochondrosis

In both veterinary and human medicine, artificial joint replacements have become more common as technology has advanced. Animals may receive an artificial joint for a variety of reasons, one of which is osteochondrosis. Dr. Brian Saunders, a veterinary orthopedic surgeon and associate professor at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, discusses […]

Dachshund Recovers From Herniated Disc Following New, Non-Surgical Treatment

When Oscar, a 5-year-old Dachshund, developed partial paralysis from a herniated disc, he became the first dog to experience a new, non-surgical treatment option through a veterinary clinical trial at the Texas A&M Small Animal Teaching Hospital (SATH). Herniated discs are common in short-legged breeds like Dachshunds and can cause rapid onset of paralysis. “It […]

Texas A&M Is Home To World’s Top Two Dog Experts

In addition to employing the top two experts on the topic, Texas A&M University is listed as the world’s fifth most knowledgeable institution on dogs. The top two experts on dogs in the world are faculty members at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS), according to the life sciences search […]

Choosing The Best Probiotic For Upset Tummies

Having a stressed or sick pet is concerning, especially if diarrhea, gas, and digestive issues are present. A probiotic could ease those digestive issues, but there are some considerations that an owner should be aware of before choosing one. Dr. Emily Gould, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & […]

Texas A&M’s Newly Offered Knee Replacement Surgery Provides Canine Patient With Renewed Life

Like any other young dog, Delilah, a black Labrador Retriever-Great Pyrenees mix, loves to run and play. She wouldn’t be able to, however, if not for the knee replacement surgery she received at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences’ (VMBS) Small Animal Teaching Hospital (SATH). Although knee replacements have existed in […]


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