Toxoplasmosis and Pregnancy

Toxoplasmosis is a common parasite in cats. Cat lovers who are considering pregnancy are often warned by others to get rid of their cat before they get pregnant, in order to avoid getting toxoplasmosis, which is carried by cats. In most cases, this is simply unnecessary. It is much harder to become infected with toxoplasmosis […]

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococci

It seemed like a miracle! When the first human infection was cured by penicillin, doctors and veterinarians thought they would never again lose a patient to a bacterial disease. But this optimism was short-lived as various organisms found ways to thrive despite antibiotic therapy and became resistant to these wonder drugs. In 1961, a Staphylocccus […]

Equine First Aid and Emergencies

Although it is the most basic form of health care, horse owners should be aware that horses need first aid care just as much as people do, if not more. There are many situations that a horse owner might run into such as soft tissue injuries like lacerations and puncture wounds, ophthalmic injuries, strains, sprains, […]

Proper Dental Care for Pets

An ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure, but when it comes to your pet’s health, practicing good dental care may make a significant difference. In fact, an animal’s teeth may be more important to its overall health than most pet owners realize, says Dr. J.R. “Bert” Dodd, a board certified veterinary […]

Proper Care of Stray Animals

Strayed or lost … what to do? When you find a stray animal wandering, what steps should you take to help reunite them with their owner and keep yourself safe? “One should be careful when approaching a stray animal,” says Dr. M.A. Crist, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary […]

Veterinary Technicians Help Pets Stay Healthy

As pets become more of an integral part of the family, the demand for skilled veterinary technicians continues to rise. Veterinary technicians play an integral role in your pet’s health. If you’re a self-motivated, personable individual who likes working with animals and people, you may want to consider a career as a veterinary technician. “A […]

When The Snakes Come Marching In

Winter is gone, spring is finally here and most of us cannot wait to get outdoors and explore what nature has to offer! Springtime weather in Texas is perfect for hiking, trail riding, water skiing, fishing, and floating the river. During these activities, we need to be especially careful about the snakes that have been […]

Easter Pets

Baby animals are a symbol of spring and renewal. Every year, feed and pet stores sell chicks and bunnies to parents as Easter presents for their children. While these pets are adorable, they are animals and must be taken care of for the rest of their lives. “An impulse pet is always a bad purchase,” […]

Separation Anxiety

Nearly all pet owners consider their animals an integral part of the family, and treat them as such. Most pets do not make a fuss when you leave the house, although they are always happy to see you return. Others have a disorder that is called ‘separation anxiety’, where the pet’s owner must be in […]

Blood Banks are Not Just for Humans

It seems that blood drives are going on everywhere all the time. As a society we are aware that blood shortages are common at hospitals around the country and that it is imperative that blood is available for those who are injured or have to undergo surgery. What we may not think of is that […]


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