New Advances in Technology for Pets

How do our pets benefit from technological advances in veterinary medicine? Some of the latest innovation in imaging and treatment technology has led to less invasive, more accurate, and even faster diagnosis of disease, which improves outcomes for our pets. Veterinarians add these new tools to their treatment arsenal to identify the best treatment options […]

Is a Minimally Invasive Surgery a Better Option?

It is scary when pets have to face the inevitable surgery and go “under the knife.” The fear felt as a pet owner may be alleviated as veterinarians are now embracing a practice that has been around in human operations for years – one which may cause less harm and less stress for pets. This […]

Minerals: Important for Quality Horse Nutrition

When it comes to enjoyment and quality of life, a horse’s true fitness may mean more than just a pasture and some oats.  While most horses get the majority of their nutrients from pasture and grain, many may not be receiving the mineral nutrition needed for optimum health. “It is important to remember that mineral […]

Pet Diseases that Make People Sick

Sixty-four percent of American households own pets. This percentage is a large indication of the importance that pets have on today’s society.  People love their pets and their companionship provides positive health benefits to their owners. However, there are times that pets can cause harm to their owners because of the diseases they carry. It […]

When the Wild Meet the Tame

With the rapid growth of urbanization these days, people are coming into contact with wild animals more frequently than ever. This means that our pets are coming into contact with them as well, which can sometimes pose a dangerous situation. If you own a smaller pet such as a cat or smaller breed of dog, […]

Thrifty Thinking

Occasionally money can get a little tight from time to time, no matter whom you are or what your situation. For those of us that own pets, we want to still make sure that they are not neglected and remain in good care during these times when we are looking for more thrifty pet care […]

Mosquito Borne Illnesses

2010 has been the hottest year on record in the United States so far. The sweltering heat mixed with the wet summer days has increased mosquito activity. As mosquito season is still lurking, there are some important diseases associated with mosquitoes that can be transmitted to humans and pets that everyone needs to be aware […]

Keeping Your Horse Cool in the Summer

Cool as a cucumber … but what if you are a horse!  Summer heat and humidity can be a dangerous combination for active horses. “Heat and humidity affect the horse, and with intense exercising, the excess heat has difficulty dissipating,” notes Dr. Glennon Mays, clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine […]

Venomous Snakes of Texas

Texans are no strangers to snakes, especially during the summertime when many of them are out and about. Copperhead, Coral, Cottonmouth, and Rattler: these are the names given to the four species of venomous snakes in Texas. It is a good idea to educate others as well as yourself about these snakes, and how to […]

Dealing with the Loss of a Pet

People have a special bond with animals because animals provide unconditional love throughout their lifetime. Therefore it can be very hard to cope after the loss of a pet. It is very common for people to experience grief as a response, and everyone grieves in different ways. “Grief is as individual as those who experience […]


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