Texas A&M Veterinarians Help Service Dog Overcome Heartworms

With the help of Texas A&M experts, one family championed their beloved service dog, saving him from heartworms as repayment for the love he had given them in their times of need. When Texas A&M University freshman Paola Assanmal felt like she was at rock bottom, she found a friend in Rocky, a 4-year-old pit […]

Board Of Regents Approves Name For VMBS’ New Small Animal Teaching Hospital

The Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences’ (VMBS) newest veterinary teaching and research facility will be officially named Linda & Dennis Clark ’68 Small Animal Teaching Hospital. Approved on Feb. 6 by The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents, the Linda & Dennis Clark ’68 Small Animal Teaching Hospital — previously […]

Texas A&M Now Offering Veterinary Clinical Nutrition Service

A new service area offering specialized nutrition advice for cats and dogs has opened within the Texas A&M Small Animal Teaching Hospital’s (SATH) Gastrointestinal Laboratory (GI Lab). The service will provide nutrition support for all SATH patients, as well as support for other patients via referral from primary care providers. Additionally, the service will provide […]

Texas A&M Veterinarians Care For Baylor University Bear Mascots

Deep in the heart of Texas, two universities have formed a partnership benefitting not only students but also a very special group of American black bears. Texas A&M and Baylor universities have historically been competitors in athletics, but there’s at least one area where the two have established a tradition of teamwork — caring for […]

A Cinder-Ellie Story: Texas A&M Veterinarians Help Dog Live Fairy-Tale Life

Whenever Ellie, a small, vivacious mixed-breed dog, visits the Texas A&M Small Animal Teaching Hospital (VMTH), her owner Robert Wick makes sure she’s dressed for the occasion. Ellie’s wardrobe includes custom-made gowns with intricate details fit for a princess, including jeweled collars, floral appliques, and tulle skirts. Like the fictional character Cinderella, Ellie’s life hasn’t […]

Texas A&M University System Regents Pave Way For New Veterinary Teaching, Research Hospital

The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents has approved construction of the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences’ (VMBS) new Clinical Veterinary Teaching & Research Complex (CVTRC), paving the way for groundbreaking and construction to begin on the $181 million small animal hospital. The approximately 135,000 square-foot building will be located on the […]

This Little Piggy BTHO Breast Cancer

If Miss Piggy had a doppelganger, it would be Molly, a potbellied pig who enjoys dressing for the occasion, being in everybody’s business, and spending time with the people and animals she loves.  When Molly began shying away from the things that bring her joy, Amanda Wallis, Molly’s owner, knew something was wrong. Then, Wallis […]

Texas A&M Veterinary Team Saves Grand Prairie K-9 From Life-Threatening Infection

As a police K-9, Kane was no stranger to saving the lives of others. But when the 9-year-old Belgian Malinois developed a severe, antibiotic-resistant skin infection, it was his turn to be saved by the Texas A&M Small Animal Teaching Hospital (SATH). Kane was hospitalized at the SATH for nearly two months, during which he […]

One Tough Cookie: Texas A&M Veterinary Team Collaborates To Save French Bulldog In ‘Once-In-A-Lifetime’ Case

Cookie, an adorable 2-year-old French bulldog, is a ball of energy with a big personality. But in August, when his usual playfulness gave way to sluggishness, his owners began to suspect that something was wrong. Fortunately, his owner, Shari Strange — a former nurse who now runs a cookie business from home, which is what […]

Texas A&M Large Animal Hospital Helps Pig Achieve Royal Recovery

With help from the university’s veterinary team, a pig named King Louie overcame a life-threatening disease. In the classic tale of “Charlotte’s Web,” a pig named Wilbur captures hearts with his friendship and bravery. While not everyone gets to experience life with a swine of their own, the Ballard family knows what it’s like to […]


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