Guidelines for Presenters

The Symposium and Workshop will be held on Zoom. For more information on the use of Zoom for the conference click here.


This Symposium and Workshop will include a virtual poster session. We are very excited about allowing poster presenters the ability to share their work in with conference participants in private Zoom rooms. The guidelines for these presentations are in the “Event Program Book”.

Oral Presentations

The Symposium and Workshop will include about 10 different oral presentations. The presentations will be 15 minutes long with about 2 – 3 minutes for questions. Additional guidelines for presentations are being developed and will be shared here.

Each presenter will need to present from their own computer (not a phone). Each presenter will share their screen so that the presentation can be seen by all. Presenters who are not familiar with the use of Zoom should practice sharing their screen at least 48 hours before their presentation and can obtain assistance if needed. Detailed instructions on how to practice sharing screens are available in the “Event Program Book”.

Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) released in the “Montes Azules” Biosphere Reserve in Chajul, Mexico, by Natura Mexicana. Foto créditos: Rodrigo León.