This summer the Verocai Lab returned to Lexington, KY for the 68th annual American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists Meeting. Not only did Verocai Lab bring a variety of diverse parasitology work to share, many lab members were the recipients of prestigious awards and scholarships! We are very proud of our whole team and had an amazing time reconnecting with our colleagues in the field! Take a look below for all the details on the amazing work by the lab.
Oral Presentation:
Ian Daniel (PhD Student): Screening of vector-borne pathogens using targeted next-generation sequencing in shelter dogs
Cora Garcia (Veterinary Student): The impact of ecogeographical variables on the potential distribution of Ornithodoros spp. in Texas
Kaylee Kipp (PhD Student): Deep amplicon sequencing of ranched bison herds revealed benzimidazole resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes in the southern US
Maureen Kelly (PhD Student): Improved specificity of a probe-based real-time PCR for the detection of Dirofilaria immitis in shelter dogs
Matthew Kulpa (PhD Student): Allopatric and sympatric sampling of Onchocerca of North American ungulates reveals a richer cryptic diversity and complex host associations
Rafael Ramos (Visiting Professor): Cutaneous myiasis by Calliphoridae dipterans in dogs from Chad, Central Africa
Kaylee Kipp (PhD Student): Nemabiome metabarcoding of wild conservation bison herds and co-grazing cattle reveals different species compositions and benzimidazole resistance
Young Investigator Travel Award – Ian Daniel, Hannah Danks, Cora Garcia, Kaylee Kipp, Maureen Kelly, Matthew Kulpa
Student Competition for Best Oral Presentation -Maureen Kelly (2nd place) and Cora Garcia (3rd place)
Student Competition for Best Poster – Hannah Danks (2nd place)
The Verocai Lab Team
Maureen giving her award-winning work on heartworm detection
Former superstar lab member Carol!
Colleagues Dr. Andrew Peregrine and Dr. John Gilleard
Matt giving his presentation on the cryptic parasites of cervids