Charles Dar-worm Day

Happy Darwin Day! The TAMU Parasitology Club and members of the awesome Criscione Lab had a great time interacting with the Texas A&M and College Station community. We had games, prizes, and, of course, the best parasite specimens you could ask for! Take a look through our photo album to see how much fun we had communicating science and parasitology to our wonderful community. We would also like to especially thank Jenna Hulke, Ryne Maness, and Chelsea Thorn for helping us put together this really cool event.

…By the way, did you know that Charles Darwin could have been infected by a parasite on his famous Beagle voyage!? Check it out!


We are thrilled to announce the launch of the AAVP Student Webinar Series: “We Are Veterinary Parasitologists”. These parasite-centric seminars are intended for the student chapters of AAVP (like our own AAVP TAMU Parasitology Club!) and all students who wish to be apart of AAVP. Our first talk will be from Dr. Jairo Alfonso Mendoza Roldan entitled, “Slithery Parasites: why and how to study zoonotic parasites of reptiles?”. See the images below for more information and, as always, check out the home page (scroll to bottom) for updates on your TAMU Parasitology Club and how to join for this (and more) great opportunities!