Welcome to the Department of Veterinary Physiology & Pharmacology (VTPP) at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS). We hope that you will find the site educational and user-friendly. In the information provided, it is our goal that our strong and dedicated commitment to education and research is abundantly clear. Our department is committed to maintaining a highly collaborative, multi-disciplinary research environment. Through this approach, our faculty synergistically combine state-of-the-art technologies and expertise, from a wide range of biological fields, including toxicology, development biology, cardiovascular science, and regenerative medicine, with the goal of solving major health problems for both humans and animals. We envision that this integrative scientific approach drives constant innovation and success.
VTPP is a national leader in education and research, and we take great pride in our exceptionally talented interactive team of faculty, students, and staff. For prospective students, the educational opportunities provided through the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program are unrivaled across the country. I assure you that your educational experience at the VMBS and in VTPP will set a foundation upon which to build your career in graduate and/or professional school that will be of benefit throughout your entire career. Our department offers a broad array of valuable educational and training opportunities for MS, PhD, and professional DVM students.
Research in VTPP is multidisciplinary, and we are recognized internationally for research in toxicology, reproductive and developmental biology, cardiovascular biology, regenerative sciences, and bone biology. The department occupies extensive, modern facilities generously equipped with a full range of instrumentation required for research in cellular, molecular, developmental, and bone biology. Modern gene editing facilities provide state-of-the-art technology to generate transgenic models in species such as mice, sheep, and goats that are used by many faculty and students. The high level of cooperation among the various departments within the VMBS and the Texas A&M University scientific community provides access to unparalleled research facilities.
I encourage you to read more about our faculty, who are leaders in their fields and key contributors to the scientific and educational literature. Most importantly, they are accessible, focused, and student-friendly with a deep understanding of the art and science of education and research. They are role models that you will be honored to call colleagues. As you can tell, I am extremely excited to be a part of this outstanding department that drives excellence on a daily basis.

Larry J. Suva, PhD | Professor & Department Head
Veterinary Physiology & Pharmacology